Tagoma-Ginyu vs Dabura

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Tagoma Ginyu ought to be somewhat comparable to SSJ Gotenks at least. He oneshots.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
Tagoma Ginyu ought to be somewhat comparable to SSJ Gotenks at least. He oneshots.

How is he comparable to SS Gotenks when he was head-butted in the ballsacks :eek:of by Gotenks? Then a weak SS Gohan who was rusty with Super Saiyan one shot him. SS Gohan would have been one shot by Tagomo if he was Gotenks level.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
UltimateGohkan said:
How is he comparable to SS Gotenks when he was head-butted in the ballsacks :eek:of by Gotenks?
Exactly. Tagoma took the attack pretty well and Tagoma-Ginyu shrugged it off immediately after the switch.

Before you pull the "gag feat" card, take into account that Gotenks' headbutt is not only lifted straight from his battle with Boo and his heabutt, but that Gotenks' style is too much of a zany, comedic one to call anything he does a "gag feat" without it being cherrypicking.

Then a weak SS Gohan who was rusty with Super Saiyan one shot him. SS Gohan would have been one shot by Tagomo if he was Gotenks level.
Weak compared to his Ultimate self, not necessarily compared to his Post-Z-Sword or Boo Arc self, as a direct comparison to them is never made. Base Gohan was still stronger than Piccolo at the time considering Shisami believed him to be the strongest of the group, so unless you go with Piccolo being fodder to the Boo Arc Base Saiyans, he didn't weaken to the extent that most peg him as being.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
UltimateGohkan said:
How is he comparable to SS Gotenks when he was head-butted in the ballsacks :eek:of by Gotenks?
Exactly. Tagoma took the attack pretty well and Tagoma-Ginyu shrugged it off immediately after the switch.

Before you pull the "gag feat" card, take into account that Gotenks' headbutt is not only lifted straight from his battle with Boo and his heabutt, but that Gotenks' style is too much of a zany, comedic one to call anything he does a "gag feat" without it being cherrypicking.

Then a weak SS Gohan who was rusty with Super Saiyan one shot him. SS Gohan would have been one shot by Tagomo if he was Gotenks level.
Weak compared to his Ultimate self, not necessarily compared to his Post-Z-Sword or Boo Arc self, as a direct comparison to them is never made. Base Gohan was still stronger than Piccolo at the time considering Shisami believed him to be the strongest of the group, so unless you go with Piccolo being fodder to the Boo Arc Base Saiyans, he didn't weaken to the extent that most peg him as being.
Tagoma didn't take the attack well considering he whimpering about it and cletching his alien ball sack. Also where do you have Base and SS Gohan compared to his Buu Saga and Ultimate Self?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
UltimateGohkan said:
Tagoma didn't take the attack well considering he whimpering about it and cletching his alien ball sack.
Not being KO'd is taking it well enough.

Also where do you have Base and SS Gohan compared to his Buu Saga and Ultimate Self?
SSJ - Weaker than SSJ Gotenks, since the art for his hair would suggest him to be using SS2 instead. In between post-Rosat Gotenks' base and SSJ self.
Base - More or less around his Boo Arc SSJ self via scaling.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
UltimateGohkan said:
Tagoma didn't take the attack well considering he whimpering about it and cletching his alien ball sack.
Not being KO'd is taking it well enough.

Also where do you have Base and SS Gohan compared to his Buu Saga and Ultimate Self?
SSJ - Weaker than SSJ Gotenks, since the art for his hair would suggest him to be using SS2 instead. In between post-Rosat Gotenks' base and SSJ self.
Base - More or less around his Boo Arc SSJ self via scaling.

Wait so do you think ROF Gohan was a SS2?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
That's what the art implies. Despite the lack of lightning, the general definition and style of his hair and bang point towards him being SS2.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
That's what the art implies. Despite the lack of lightning, the general definition and style of his hair and bang point towards him being SS2.
But he stated that he was rusty with regular SS. Heck Super is more clear with the SS2 sparks than in DBZ so if he doesn't have the sparks he was just a SS. He doubted himself on whether he can still go regular SS so SS2 is out of the question.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
UltimateGohkan said:
But he stated that he was rusty with regular SS. Heck Super is more clear with the SS2 sparks than in DBZ so if he doesn't have the sparks he was just a SS. He doubted himself on whether he can still go regular SS so SS2 is out of the question.
Yet he still could go SSJ without any trouble, so his doubt means little beyond wondering about something he hadn't done before. Also, his resolve by that point was far greater than at the start, given his thoughts about protecting Pan and anger towards his friends (especially Piccolo) getting hurt is a far cry away from how he was at the start of the battle.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
UltimateGohkan said:
But he stated that he was rusty with regular SS. Heck Super is more clear with the SS2 sparks than in DBZ so if he doesn't have the sparks he was just a SS. He doubted himself on whether he can still go regular SS so SS2 is out of the question.
Yet he still could go SSJ without any trouble, so his doubt means little beyond wondering about something he hadn't done before. Also, his resolve by that point was far greater than at the start, given his thoughts about protecting Pan and anger towards his friends (especially Piccolo) getting hurt is a far cry away from how he was at the start of the battle.
Minute: 16
Gohan: "I can't put out my full power... Is it because I slacked off on my training?"
Gohan: "I have no choice..."
Freeza: "A Super Saiyan?!"
Gohan: "The question is, how long can my body last at this point?"

Significance: More or less a confirmation that Gohan lost his Ultimate state, which he received in the Majin Boo arc. When he finds himself unable to tap into his full power, he resorts to Super Saiyan instead, which as we see is more than enough to handle Tagoma. Nothing to worry about, folks! (Fact Checkers by Herms. It stated multiple times it was just regular Super Saiyan. Frieza says it's Super Saiyan. He would have been able to tell a difference with the sharper hair)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Whilst it's true that Gohan's rustiness with transforming should make SS2 impossible, it can be treat with a grain of salt compared to what's physically shown with Super's track record. After all, the ToP is riddled with constant statements about techniques and forms such as SSB, Kaioken, SSBE and UI being very taxing on the user's stamina, yet they get spammed moreso than Super Attacks in FighterZ. Also, Freeza is far from the best judge of what makes a Super Saiyan when he'd only seen two SSJs and scarcely feels the need to point out the differences between "monkeys".

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
I don't even think Freeza was aware of a level beyond Super Saiyan at that point. Super Saiyan was still a big deal to him.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
Yeah, I think Dabura loses, but I don't think he gets one shot.

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