True Form Freeza (FnF) vs SSj3 Vegetto (BoG)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Freeza stomps. He shouldn't be too far below U6 Arc Base Goku, who could put up a good fight against a version of Beerus likely less suppressed than normal, whereas Initial Beerus was already suggested to be above BoG SS3 Vegetto.
Manga-wise, it's even more apparent with Goku's SSJ power not being too far below 10% of SSB.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Frieza, even in his final form, was depicted as a fighter who could more or less contend with the likes of a Base Goku that had absorbed the power of his ritual form. I've always deciphered the whole absorbing ritual power concept as SSJ = ritual form; meaning, at his weakest, I feel Base Goku would be no less than 50x weaker than his ritualistic incarnation that faced off against Beerus. This is also assuming the 50x multiplier remained the same. If for some reason, the multiplier is no longer applicable, the gap between SSJ and base could be even smaller, which in-turn would mean the gap between ritual form and base would also be a lot smaller, going off of the implications that SSJ = Ritual Form.

After getting wrecked by Beerus, Goku had immediately disregarded the prospect of fusion. This strongly implies that fusion wouldn't fare all that better than he did as an SSJ3. This SSJ3 was also implied to be stronger than Ultimate Gohan (Buu saga) and Gotenks, so it does indeed make sense that Goku at this time was not far behind SSJ Vegetto (Buu saga). Goku's lack of confidence in Vegetto, also points towards the gap between Buu saga SSJ Vegetto and ritual form being far greater than the gap between Goku's base and SSJ/ritual forms. Following the ritual power absorption, there were many instances that strongly implied Base Goku > SSJ3 Goku (against Beerus) > Ultimate Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks. Despite some of these instances taking place after RoF, it seems very plausible that these feats would place Base Goku (immediately following ritual power absorption) above SSJ1 / SSJ2 Vegetto (Buu saga) on the low end.

Then, if we factor in the Whis training that took place shortly after Goku's battle with Beerus, there is a strong basis that Goku's base form had gotten even stronger. Therefore, even if Base Goku (immediately following ritual power absorption) started off only a little stronger than SSJ Vegetto, it can be deduced that he far surpassed it after training under Whis. Base Goku could have gone from SSJ2 Vegetto-tier to a few tiers stronger than a hypothetical SSJ3 Vegetto. So what does all of that even mean? That Final Form Frieza would absolutely wreck a hypothetical SSJ3 Vegetto from the Buu saga.

Base Goku = Final Form Frieza >> SSJ3 Vegetto (Buu saga) >> SSJ2 Vegetto (Buu saga) > SSJ Vegetto (Buu saga) = First Form Frieza > Buuhan > Buutenks > Ultimate Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > / = Super Buu > Mr. Buu

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