With the Zenkais and progression hax of ToP Gohan, he is able to quickly reach the level where he can overpower SSJ Black. With Black attempting to leave, Trunks does what he usually does and gives his opponent no chance of escape. If Zamasu doesn't arrive in time to shield Black before healing him, then the Zero Mortal Plan fails prematurely. That said, Goku and Vegeta don't achieve PSSB and the former therefore can't last long enough against Jiren to achieve Ultra Instinct, with Universe 11 winning the ToP.
If Zamasu does arrive in time, Black achieves SSR and Trunks escapes with a Taiyoken. Knowing he can't deal with an immortal like Zamasu alone, he goes back in time far earlier and is told by Piccolo about the Mafuba. Trunks learns this rather than Goku and the Saiyan trio head in the Time Machine to face Black and Zamasu. With Goku and Vegeta helping distract Black and Zamasu, Trunks is given the opportunity to seal away Zamasu before eventually defeating Black. With his future saved, he brings Goku and Vegeta back in the Time Machine before heading back to his own time. Assuming Goku and Vegeta don't achieve PSSB, Universe 11 win the ToP. Assuming they do due to striving for further strength after seeing Trunks and Black, considering Vegeta was still able to master the form on his own, the events proceed as in canon from hereon with the absence of Future Zen-Oh being the only major change.