Pakl said:
Anime!Vegetto gets stomped. His Final Kamehameha failed to destroy Merged Zamasu's body like Trunks' Genki-Dama did. Keep in mind this Genki-Dama was fueled by the energy of twenty unhealthy earthlings and two exhausted Saiyans. On the other hand, Jiren could push back Goku's Genki-Dama like it was nothing, even though it was powered up by much stronger people (#18, #17, Freeza, Gohan...).
Even if one argue that Trunks absorbed his Genki-Dama to beat Merged Zamasu, Tien stated that even if Goku absorbed his Genki-Dama, he'd still be unable to do nearly as well as he did in Ultra Instinct.
Manga! Vegetto, on the other hand, would probably win, since he's stated to be perhaps stronger than Beerus, while Jiren at his estimated full power is equal or stronger than Beerus. Even Current UI Goku is only stated to be trying to get closer to Gods' level, making it likely that Jiren was holding back against him.
In a nutshell:
Manga!Vegetto Blue > Current UI Goku > Initial UI Goku >>> Anime!Vegetto Blue