In case you're like TLDR, here are the most interesting points...
-10% is the required gap for a stomp, as we saw in the fights Vegeta vs Dodoria/Zarbon.
-Freeza gained 530k every time he transformed, so it was like: 1st Form- 530k, 2nd Form- 1.06m, 3rd Form- 1.59m, 4th Form (initial/before any power up or speed up)- 2.12m
-Super Saiyan is an additive, since it was never stated (as in Ooozaru and Kaioken case) that it works as a multiplier. Kaioken becomes less effective past some power level, which explains why it wasn't used after the Freeza Saga.
-One can never become stronger, in base power, than half of his Super Saiyan boost (e.g If the SSJ boost is 150 mil, the base power maximum potential is 75 mil).
-For simplicity sake, Androids 17/18 are at the same level as the maximum potential of the unmastered Super Saiyans (150 + 75 = 225 mil)
-Imperfect Cell (post humans) could stomp two fighters (Piccolo and Seventeen) at the same time, so he's 20% stronger than them (2x the stomp gap)
-When Vegeta/Trunks exited the ROSAT, their SSJ boost had increased and their base limit had been reset, so they could rival Semi Cell as Super Saiyans. The ASSJ boost is the SSJ additive boost multiplied by 1.5x (only the boost, not the sum of the base power and the SSJ boost). The USSJ boost is the SSJ boost multiplied by 2x.
-Semi Cell was as strong his previous power plus Seventeen's power. Perfect Cell (the deceptive chi Vegeta felt in the beginning) was that power plus Eighteen's power.
-By mastering the SSJ, the SSJ boost increases even further and the Grade Forms become less effective (as in Kaioken's case).
-At Korin's tower, Goku powered up halfway as a Super Saiyan, which means his power was his full base plus half the SSJ boost, not half the sum of his base and SSJ power.
In case you're like TLDR, here are the most interesting points...
-10% is the required gap for a stomp, as we saw in the fights Vegeta vs Dodoria/Zarbon.
-Freeza gained 530k every time he transformed, so it was like: 1st Form- 530k, 2nd Form- 1.06m, 3rd Form- 1.59m, 4th Form (initial/before any power up or speed up)- 2.12m
-Super Saiyan is an additive, since it was never stated (as in Ooozaru and Kaioken case) that it works as a multiplier. Kaioken becomes less effective past some power level, which explains why it wasn't used after the Freeza Saga.
-One can never become stronger, in base power, than half of his Super Saiyan boost (e.g If the SSJ boost is 150 mil, the base power maximum potential is 75 mil).
-For simplicity sake, Androids 17/18 are at the same level as the maximum potential of the unmastered Super Saiyans (150 + 75 = 225 mil)
-Imperfect Cell (post humans) could stomp two fighters (Piccolo and Seventeen) at the same time, so he's 20% stronger than them (2x the stomp gap)
-When Vegeta/Trunks exited the ROSAT, their SSJ boost had increased and their base limit had been reset, so they could rival Semi Cell as Super Saiyans. The ASSJ boost is the SSJ additive boost multiplied by 1.5x (only the boost, not the sum of the base power and the SSJ boost). The USSJ boost is the SSJ boost multiplied by 2x.
-Semi Cell was as strong his previous power plus Seventeen's power. Perfect Cell (the deceptive chi Vegeta felt in the beginning) was that power plus Eighteen's power.
-By mastering the SSJ, the SSJ boost increases even further and the Grade Forms become less effective (as in Kaioken's case).
-At Korin's tower, Goku powered up halfway as a Super Saiyan, which means his power was his full base plus half the SSJ boost, not half the sum of his base and SSJ power.