For what video games are worth, one of them rates his unlocked potential battle power as 10,000, so that would further support Ki being what's read.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Is the Ki being measured the overall amount or what can be converted into offensive power? Take Dende for example: He might have a considerable amount of Ki given his potential was unlocked, but he tells Gohan he’s more of a healer than a fighter. What would that make of his BP?
Indeed, which supports Ki being what's used to gauge them.@Captain Cadaver The numbers don’t need to be way higher if they’re using an alternative scale compared to real life ones, though.
Don't lecture me, Saiyameng. I see through the lies of the canon. I do not fear the video games as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new power level list!GreatSaiyaman123 said:Beware of the video games, CC. They are the path to the Dark Side.
That was when he set his mind to it though. When considering his battle power when upset already eclipsed that of his father's without the Kamehameha, his 710 self should've been able to cause internal damage to Raditz's pod just by throwing a tantrum if it represented what he was capable of in battle.Gohan did use his power to headbutt Raditz and destroy that mountain, so I think he’d pull out something if needed.
It could be used to explain them if not for the glaring flaw in that all these characters are able of concentrating and amplifying their Ki through attacks such as the Kamehameha, which makes scaling them a very linear case.And well, going into a broader perspective now. Do you think this would explain why certain numbers are so confusing? Can stuff like Piccolo Daimao > BoZ Tenshinhan or 22nd Goku > BoZ Yamcha make sense as something related to Ki size, but not Ki Control and martial arts prowess? @Captain Cadaver
Captain Cadaver said:Don't lecture me, Saiyameng. I see through the lies of the canon. I do not fear the video games as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new power level list!GreatSaiyaman123 said:Beware of the video games, CC. They are the path to the Dark Side.
That was when he set his mind to it though. When considering his battle power when upset already eclipsed that of his father's without the Kamehameha, his 710 self should've been able to cause internal damage to Raditz's pod just by throwing a tantrum if it represented what he was capable of in battle.
It could be used to explain them if not for the glaring flaw in that all these characters are able of concentrating and amplifying their Ki through attacks such as the Kamehameha, which makes scaling them a very linear case.