Captain Cadaver said:
He was still clearly focused enough to be able to tell how Vegeta's power surpassed his estimations of the Saiyans though.
Because was watching the fight and saw Vegeta easily kill Pui Pui, who he believed to be a powerhouse. It’s about what he seeing not what he sensing/gauging, otherwise Vegeta wouldn’t look as impressive since he had sensed SSJ2 Gohan at the Budokai as well.
Shin never brings that up as a factor, whilst knowing who Yakon is, having also made it apparent that Base Vegeta > His estimations of SSJ Goku > Himself, and still wanted to group to gang up on him. At bare minimum, that would present even pre-Majin Yakon as not being far behind Shin, if at all.
So if he brings it up once but not again it means it’s not a factor anymore?
But to be fair, Shin didn’t say that. He and Kibito just point out Babidi can control people, nothing about potential unlock. Though he could know based on seeing and sensing Yamu and Spopovich at the Budokai.
Fantastische Hure said:
Skill was the word for power/strength in Part I, then it got changed to what you know now. If you don't believe me you can look at basically all the dialogues pre-DragonBall Z.
Chapter: 89, P14.1
Context: Goku accuses Karin of lying about the increase in power he should have received from the Super Holy Water.
Karin: “Nyahhahha! I didn’t trick you!! Your
power skill has already become many times greater!”
Seriously though, the word “skill” is only used 16 times in the whole Strength Checker (What also accounts for Z and Herm’s notes), and movements is only used 34 times. On the other hand, “power” is said over 100 times.
Skill always meant skill, and it was a key point at the series, even more than power probably. It’s very common for characters to be balanced in skill, thus the many cases (Mostly in Z) were a character decides a match purely by power. Power/Strength is the only term that can have a wider meaning.