Where's This From?


Low Class Warrior
Nov 14, 2016
Idea of Gaslight said:
Yamcha lacks his scar because he was controlled by the spirit of a reader who knows the entire DB manga, so he ended up making Yamcha train with Roshi earlier, climb up the Karinto and drink the god water, and other such things Goku did to make himself stronger. Presumably whoever would've injured him in DB wouldn't have been able to in this timeline.

Oh, gotcha. Thanks.

Fantastische Hure said:
The_Authority said:
I always felt that the Dragon Ball AF Manga that Toyable did before Super looked like it was traced (and edited where appropriate) to be honest. I felt like I've seen every single pose and panel before. Obviously the hairstyles and clothing were changed, but I always felt like it all looked very familiar. Could have just been me.

I think a fan did color it because there was no color version of the Super manga that was released. I questioned it before, seeing as how they made a big deal about doing Dragon Ball (all 42 volumes) in color, so to me, it's like well why not do Super with color from the jump? Apparently, the manga is just supplemental glorified promotional material for the anime (it's been explained to me that that's how the manga is viewed in Japan). I find it bizarre, but whatever. Maybe in 20 years, we'll get a colored Super manga.

Although since we got onto the topic, does anyone know why Yamcha doesn't have scars in his special? He got those in Dragon Ball, so the events of Z would not affect them.
Who told you that? Said person probably has never even been to Japan and just making shit up to hate on the far superior manga.

People on another forum, which is such a huge "Dragon Ball authority" lol