Which known devil fruit do you think could destroy the Earth the quickest? Which character?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I think contenders are:
Fujitora - could bring the Sun to Earth, engulfing it. Or make Mars crash into Earth.
Akainu - make magma take over the Earth, making it uninhabitable for all life.
Whitebeard - earthquakes to mess up the tectonic plates, create new plates, maybe he could cause magma to come to the surface. They called him the man who could destroy the world or something similar.
Blackbeard - could absorb the whole Earth into a black hole? Maybe he could bring the Sun near Earth, causing extreme heat obviously, or bring Mars close, then tirn off his blsck hole so it collides with Earth.

Just to kill all humans:
Aokiji - ice everywhere, freeze all water and plants. But eventually it would melt and soms organisms would start up again.

I think Fujitora could do it fastest. I'm not sure how his power works though. It's gravity, but he can change the force of rhe gravitational field for an object, right? So could he make the acceleration for Mars from Earth ridiculously high, so it comes crashing within minutes?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Whitebeard is literally said to have the power to destroy the world, I'd have to go with him. He can create massive tsunamis that can wipe out all life on the planet.

Fujitora can bring down meteorites but they seemed pretty small. He was willing to let them rain down on the Straw Hat's ship on open waters, so the meteorites likely can't cause massive tsunamis, as ridiculous as that sounds.

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