Which was the worst asspull?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Yugi turning Kaiba's Blue Eyes against him because "Heart of the Cards" in the manga.
Yugi's friends saving him against Pegasus because "Heart of the Cards".
Kaiba screwing the rules against Ishizu.
Atem being able to utilise a "Beyond Infinite" ATK point move against Dartz.
The time travel bullshit of the last arc in general.

My vote would probably go to the case against Dartz. Doing an attack that deals damage beyond infinity sounds like the logic a 5 year old would come up with. :facepalm

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
There are A LOT of bullshit plays in this franchise

1. Dartz - Infinity +1....what? Well technically not Infinity +1, but rather creating infinite damage to create an Infinite ATK that can't be destroyed and destroying another infinite ATK monster, but still BS nonetheless

2. Noah - Pulls Card of Sanctity to the EXACT SIX CARDS he needed to pull off the most statistically impossible combo to bring down an opponent with 10K Life Points

3. Placido and Jose - Yusei Top Decking Five Tuners to allow Shooting Star Dragon to attack five times in one battle phase, the latter of which brought down a 12K monster that nuked Jack and Crow beforehand.

4. Team Taiyo - Yusei bringing down a monster that's guaranteed to be stronger than any monster it battles,

5. Anytime Yuma does a Shining Draw (Re-writing a card to turn into EXACTLY what you need to win)

6. Not per se an asspull, but Yusei soloing a team of world renown professional duelist and convincing their last duelist to attack and defeat him "honorably" because he's the type of duelist that needs to be beaten the old fashioned way, instead losing by decking out because all his opponent had to do was end their turn and that would've been it.

7. Every time Yuya got an action to save his hide which was 90 - 95% of his duels in Arc-V and 9/10 it was almost always the same card. Action Cards themselves are literal asspulls that you can pull from thin air to do whatever you need them to do.

So far I can't think of any asspull that Yusaku has done in VRains, but It'll happen eventually.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
The infinity over infinity and beyond has to be the reigning champ of stupidity and writer's block. Someone had no reservations about logic when they wrote that.


Jan 27, 2016
I agree with everyone else, the Dartz thing was just ridiculous.


Low Class Warrior
Mar 27, 2019
Seconding Dartz.

It's also bullshit when you have Yugi using a card to help him in a duel, only for him to never use it again. I'm looking at that pseudo negate attack he used against Rafael.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
There are some explanations for the other ones:

1. Kaiba cheated to summon Blue Eyes by stealing Sugoroku's card and using it against his grandson in a Shadow Game, in which cheating (and therefore lowering one's pride and spirit enough to break the rules) is punishable by defeat and a Penalty Game. The worse offender would be when the Ventriloquist of Death in the DK arc summoned a Blue-Eyes in a holographic Battle Box and it killed itself for no better reason than kaiba's love for his card... even though he stole them from other card collectors in this continuity. The anime made it better by having Kaiba directly hack into Pegasus' system. Still cheating, but whatever.

2. This is really stupid but Yugi's friends already helped Yugi/Atem win against Yami Bakura in the Monster World game, and Shadow Games quite often employ the "screw the rules" mentality anyway, especially with Kaiba asspulling an Obelisk draw out of nowhere despite not even having the card in his deck in DSoD.

3. Explained by Kaiba's past life having owned the Rod, plus it's through this that Kaiba was able to read and decipher the second and third abilities of Ra.

4. In the manga, the Memory World is explicitly stated to just be a recreation of Ancient Egypt on a sand diorama that is animated through the sealed memories of Atem and Zorc/Akhenaden that were contained in the Millennium Puzzle. It's the anime that tried unnecessarily to up the stakes by making it some space and time magic doohickey where they were playing on a floating game board in some shadow space that was literally creating a recreation of the past and causing disruptions in space-time and destroying the world for real. Manga-wise Bakura just fought to resurrect the Great Priest of Darkness Akhenaden (Zorc Necrophades) and to learn Atem's true name to unleash the main body of Zorc that was sealed in the Millennium Items and the Meikai.

Granted, Takahashi seemingly intended for it to be a literal travel to the past in the early stages and changed it to a simulation of the world of ancient Egypt so that Atem's friends could participate, but he clearly explained that Atem's memories were used to create the diorama in the present rather than them literally traveling to the past.