So I read chapter 1. Main character seems a little too stereotypically teenage bratty and extreme like a lot of SoL manga characters (which is why I started looking more at Korean stuff for SoL) but I dunno, maybe they really do exist. Seems to be going down the ol' people losing their imagination, drive and belief when they hit their 20s route. Found the whole "whatever" thing weird because I'd think it's common knowledge that kids are Il usually less inhibited than adults and more likely to brush stuff off or forget about it and forego responsibilities or potentially beneficial actions due to not seeing the point….but hey….whatever.
Already the MC is showing signs of getting used to her new life with the whole being pleased with her money saving thing. Be interesting to see if she's gonna go on a unique path and be able to keep a high degree of I guess you might say childishness (but more the good elements) by still having a lotbof fun or if shes gonna pretty much go drone mode with the occasional sprinklin of excitement.…or could be worse than that.
Liked the thing about the sky just cuz it's pretty true I'd say and other than the dumb girl (was thinkin blonde so guess that says something about my expectations of dumb charas' traits) and atuff about the MC mentioned above the characters are realistically written and her thoughts are well pretty fluid, coherent and non-archetypal compared to some manga where it can be a bit disjointed and too boxed in.
chap 2 will be read one day. First time reading a manga that isn't either Berserk (crap) or All Rounder Meguru in at least a couple of months and even the other stuff I've been reading I never rly cared about and didn't have a srs tone like How to Hug an Elephant. Guess Suicide Island was kinda srs tho lol.