Would if Janemba took Majin Boo's role?


Jul 27, 2015
The Majin Boo Saga was a fairly silly, and childish saga to begin with. Although, with Janemba in the lead role, I suspect it would start out that way, but quickly turn dark once Janemba transforms into his Super form. He seemed like a merciless killer who didn't really care who he was fighting. He would just down whoever was closet and kill them without a motive.

So, instead of Majin Buu being released from Bibidi's Pod, Fat Janemba appears. He leads the role until Fat Janemba forms into Super Janemba, while Goten & Trunks are practicing the Metamoran Dance. The same old usual fighter between Super Janemba & Gotenks Ssj3 occurs in the RoSaT, and ultimately, the boys split. It's at this point Gohan shows up and begins trouncing Janemba. However, he explodes himself (apparently), and makes a ditch effort to get his sword. With the Sword, Reality Warping Capabilities, et cetera, he proves far too much for Gohan & Goku & Vegeta merge.

How do you think it would play out?



Low Class Warrior
Oct 5, 2015
T0sh, really ? Don't you really think that Boo Saga was a bit dark ?

I mean, Super Boo managed to kill, defeated, and absorb almost everyone on Earth, including characters on the main cast. Along with King Piccolo, he was the closest villain to win. Had Goku not sensed Vegeta in 2 more seconds, the Saga would have ended on a very depressive note. And Kid Boo managed to top this by being the first to destroy the Earth.

After all of this crap, the only people who managed to survive until the very end of this Saga were Hercules, Supreme Kai, Dende. Arguably, Goku counts too, as he didn't got killed...but he was already dead at the beginning.

While Boo Saga was considerably lighter and softer than others saga, it still managed to be pretty dark on its own.

Plus, I think that Boo is a far more effective villain than Janemba, especially Super Boo.