I have these numbers...
Cui 16,000
Dodoria 19,500
Zarbon 21,000
Vegeta 24,000
For these reasons...
Yeah, I have a few nitpicks with that. They aren't extreme, but you know how particular I can be...
1) Cui/Vegeta should not be rivals with Dodoria. The way Dodoria is portrayed, the way he is so dismissive of Vegeta, the way Vegeta exclaims about defeating Dodoria, this is clearly a man who wasn't able to compete with Dodoria. And Dodoria let him know it, often. I just don't think it follows the lore there...
2) I like Dodoria at 80% of Vegeta. The further away the better. 83% isn't bad, but if I had a choice, I'd go with 80%. That was a tremendously emasculating fight. I try to stick with the lore here on that.
3) I also prefer to have Zarbon at 87.5% of Vegeta than 91%. Vegeta is catching his punches, completely running circles around him. This reminds me of KKx2 Goku vs Vegeta. Zarbon can't manage anything...
4) Cui vs Vegeta. I have Cui at 66% of Vegeta. Cui at 75% of Vegeta is insane imo. Vegeta takes him out too easily. Cui is supposed to be a good fight for Vegeta on equal levels, so I can't just go with Vegeta being insanely more durable/tough than Cui. I think Vegeta is just that much stronger than Cui that he can make mince meat of his former power. I think Vegeta could do something similar to his previous self.
So for me, I prefer to stick with the lore over the numbers.
I think guidebook followers are hypocritical. They want to dismiss 4k Nappa, but then love to use 22/23k Dodoria/Zarbon because they are "good enough". For me, they are not good enough. I think power gaps should have consistency. Vegeta pulls off some amazing feats against Zarbon and Dodoria that are not skill based and are speed/power based. Vegeta is physically restraining Dodoria's hands behind his back and Vegeta is literally catching Zarbon's punches...
I think it's a joke that this forum, which is supposed to be full of people who think for themselves and are not slaves to the guidebooks like the rest of the fandom is, has been subjugated to start following the beat of the old drummer. I think CC has a lot to do with that. When one of the best falls victim to the dark side, he brings many with him.
The purpose of these forums that have been created by our people was to remain vigilant and free to use our own minds and our own logical ideas to come up with answers to these questions.
Now I go off and get ridiculous with my ideas stating that they go above the author and all of that, but try to take an ounce of humor with what ridiculous proclamations. I don't seriously believe that my numbers are somehow canon, only that my ideas and logic are more consistently inline with the actual lore of the story. That is nothing to mock and I think it's a travesty that you guys try to make a joke out of the guy behind so many great, logical theories that all of you have piggy backed off of. This forum and the old Shindens most likely don't exist if not without me, most of these theories that are so common place nowadays most likely don't exist without me. I've been doing this for 10 years man, try to have a little respect. But it is what it is. This community knows nothing how to appreciate it's contributing members, only how to bring others down. No one hear will ever admit they like someone's numbers because that would be weird to them, because it's not theirs. I've been apart of many communities and I've found this one to be the most toxic personally. A bunch of incels who can't get any respect in the real world so they won't give any respect to anyone in the online world.