Hi! Pretend I'm interesting!

SSJ3 Gothic

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May 30, 2015
What're your hobbies and passions, aside from anime and manga?

Knowing what you know right now with the wisdom that you have, if your age is truly 37, what do you wish you would have started sooner?
I would guess being a dad is my most obvious passion since it takes up so much of my time and effort. That's a bit bland answer though so if we're being more personal I'd say that writing is probably my biggest passion or hobby. Besides that, I'm a much bigger comic book fan than manga as I've collected since I was in the single digits and still collect to this day.

That second question is hard to answer. I don't know of any particular action I would have done differently, but if I could change anything about my past it would be towards having more patients in my early adulthood, and to maybe take some time to enjoy things more instead of being so strictly dedicated to working.

SSJ3 Gothic

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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Would.you dodge the draft if the Red Ribbon Army was conscripting?
Probably. I'm not opposed to draft dodging, since I don't believe everyone can be an asset in the military, including myself at the top of the list. Unless of course, they needed a minister of propaganda. :bog

SSJ3 Gothic

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May 30, 2015
Which car(s) are you interested in, and why that/those car(s) in particular?
Whatever is cheapest. :king

I'm not really a car guy, so the car itself is very utilitarian to me. I just want something brand new and reliable that I won't have to worry about for a few years. I've been looking into a Kia Rio. They are under 20k, and I know a bunch of people with bad credit and work history who have no problem getting one. I have good credit and a solid work history so I hope its smooth sailing for me. But I'll have a better idea once I'm closer to the goal.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
From your current experience, what advice would you give to someone who has never written, and published, a book before?

SSJ3 Gothic

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May 30, 2015
From your current experience, what advice would you give to someone who has never written, and published, a book before?
I would tell them just to write. Almost every aspiring writer I've known personally get more caught up in talking about being a writer, working on their "outlines", planning, or just making a lot of excuses about how they just don't have the time or they are too busy. We'd have a big talk about how inspired they were to write, they were really gonna knock some stuff out tonight, and then the next day they were tired. The security guy at my one job fancies himself a filmmaker and writer, but used a bad back as an excuse to not write all the time. Literally the laziest craft in history and this guy blamed his back.

Anyway, I believe you need to produce content to be a writer. Even famous writers had tons of rejections and wrote multiple books before becoming well known. Anyone who wants to be that guy who spends years planning out some perfect masterpiece is going to put it off until its too late. So I'd tell another writer to stick with your projects and work on them daily and you'll get better naturally.

But I'm also just a self published writer and not rich yet, so my advice is probably worth two-cents at best.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
How long have you been writing for?
What subjects do you like writing about most?

SSJ3 Gothic

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May 30, 2015
How long have you been writing for?
What subjects do you like writing about most?
Sorry, I missed this up until now.

I've been writing since I was 13. The only book I wrote was young adult/urban fantasy, though I mostly wrote horror until then. I think I needed a breath of fresh air and wanted to write something more safe and mainstream.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Why did you take a break from our beloved forum?

SSJ3 Gothic

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May 30, 2015
I go through periods of depression and self loathing where I don't maintain contact with anyone.

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