If Genki Sword > Vegetto then how strong even is the U7 Genki-Dama? If Trunks can somehow get that much energy from normal people and crippled Goku and Vegeta then the energy from the Androids + Gohan + Humans + Piccolo + Freeza is gonna be a 10,000 at the very least.
How does Goku (Start of ToP) compare to Vegetto and Zamasu? Is he about the same he was at the end of the FT Saga?
Apparently the power increases of Genkidama are not linear. We only know that Goku's Spandex in the ToP must be much stronger than Future Trunks' Spandex.
However, I don't think it is necessary to have Goku Base (Genkidama) far superior to Jedi Future Trunks SSJRage (Genkidama), since the latter is the sum of the combined powers of Jedi Future Trunks SSJRage + Genkidama.
I think Goku gets a bit stronger between the Arc Zamasu Ending and Hit Fill. Then Goku may have had some Zenkai Power or he just kept training for a while, then kept it up until the Beginning of ToP.
It is clearly shown that the gap between Goku SSJB (Start of ToP) over Hit (Start of ToP) was relatively large.
I'm thinking that Goku got some Power Up maybe in Episode 107, and then in his confrontation against Jiren, he matches Vegeta in equal ways.
Goku SSJB (Vs Jiren) is >> Goku SSJB (Dyspo), because even though the Gods of Universe 11 knew the power of Hit (Adapted vs Dyspo), they still thought that Jiren defeating Goku, would mean that no one he had chances against Jiren.