The first volume HERE.
Note: Now that SSJ gets into the picture, each SSJ has two bases: his normal base and one that gives him access to 25% of SSJ's power.
Goku is stated to be stronger than he was when he got back to Earth, and the Goku who got back to Earth is obviously Yardrat Goku.
Piccolo and Salza are somewhat weaker than Goku's normal base. The sum of Dore's and Naize's PLs is a little higher than Salza's PL, since that was the case with Ginyu and his minions, whom Cooler's henchmen obviously mirror in this movie. Gohan and Krillin are as strong as last time we saw them.
Gohan- 1.05 million
Krillin- 1 million
Piccolo- 16 million
Salza- 14 million
Dore- 8 million
Neiz- 7 million
Goku- 20 million
second base- 250 million
second base (2x Kaioken): 500 million
SSJ- 1 billion
Cooler- 240 million
transformed- 720 million
weighted- 15 million
unweighted- 750 million
Krillin- 10 million
Tenshinhan- 8 million
Yamcha- 5 million
Gohan- 12 million
Goku- 22 million
second base- 275 million
SSJ- 1.1 billion (starts out at full power and rapidly decreasing due to sickness)
Nineteen- 500 million
post absorptions- 700 million
Twenty- 550 million
post absorptions- 600 million
Vegeta- 23 million
second base- 287.5 million
SSJ- 1.15 billion
Alternate Trunks- 16 million
second base- 200 million
SSJ- 800 million
Eighteen- 1.5 billion
Seventeen- 1.5 billion
Piccolo (post Kami)
weighted- 1.35 billion
unweighted- 1.5 billion
Imperfect Cell- 1.2 billion
Alternate Eighteen- 1.125 billion
Alternate Gohan (two arms)- 22 million
second base- 275 million
SSJ- 1.1 billion
Alternate Gohan (one arm)- 26 million
second base- 325 million
SSJ- 1.3 billion
Alternate Trunks (teen)- 10 million
second base- 125 million (because he's so close to becoming SSJ, he could access his second base in the first fight with the Androids, before he transformed for the first time)
SSJ- 500 million
Alternate Trunks (adult)- 14 million
second base- 175 million
SSJ- 700 million
Goku- 22 million
second base- 275 million
SSJ- 1.1 billion
Vegeta- 23 million
second base- 287.5 million
SSJ- 1.15 billion
Gohan- 12 million
Krillin- 10 million
Alternate Trunks- 16 million
second base- 200 million
SSJ- 800 million
weighted- 1.35 billion
unweighted- 1.5 billion
Thirteen- 1.15 billion
Fourteen- 750 million
Fifteen- 900 million
Super Thirteen (Fourteen's/Fifteen's powers were added to his own)- 2.8 billion
Goku (spirit bomb/4x)- 4.4 billion
weighted- 1.35 billion
unweighted- 1.5 billion
Gohan- 12 million
Krillin- 10 million
Robots- 9.5 million (really hard armor)
Goku- 25 million
second base- 312.5 million
SSJ- 1.25 billion
Vegeta- 25 million
second base- 312.5 million
SSJ- 1.25 billion
Meta Cooler- 1.1 billion
repaired- 1.65 billion
Note: Now that SSJ gets into the picture, each SSJ has two bases: his normal base and one that gives him access to 25% of SSJ's power.
The movie takes place during the 3-year period between Freeza and Androids Sagas. It must be in the future timeline, since nobody seems to be preparing for the Androids, though I think the movie's events played out in the same way more or less in the other timelines too. Vegeta is probably training in outer space.
Goku is stated to be stronger than he was when he got back to Earth, and the Goku who got back to Earth is obviously Yardrat Goku.
Piccolo and Salza are somewhat weaker than Goku's normal base. The sum of Dore's and Naize's PLs is a little higher than Salza's PL, since that was the case with Ginyu and his minions, whom Cooler's henchmen obviously mirror in this movie. Gohan and Krillin are as strong as last time we saw them.
Gohan- 1.05 million
Krillin- 1 million
Piccolo- 16 million
Salza- 14 million
Dore- 8 million
Neiz- 7 million
Goku- 20 million
second base- 250 million
second base (2x Kaioken): 500 million
SSJ- 1 billion
Cooler- 240 million
transformed- 720 million
Piccolo is weak SSJ level, so I have him equal to Trunks as he was last time we saw him, and the Androids are twice that powerful. It is not clear how long Trunks stayed in the future, but in comparisons, he's still treated as the same person who slew Freeza, so I won't give him large gains. Humans are 10x stronger than before so they're somewhat relevant to Saiyans' normal base powers.
weighted- 15 million
unweighted- 750 million
Krillin- 10 million
Tenshinhan- 8 million
Yamcha- 5 million
Gohan- 12 million
Goku- 22 million
second base- 275 million
SSJ- 1.1 billion (starts out at full power and rapidly decreasing due to sickness)
Nineteen- 500 million
post absorptions- 700 million
Twenty- 550 million
post absorptions- 600 million
Vegeta- 23 million
second base- 287.5 million
SSJ- 1.15 billion
Alternate Trunks- 16 million
second base- 200 million
SSJ- 800 million
Eighteen- 1.5 billion
Seventeen- 1.5 billion
Piccolo (post Kami)
weighted- 1.35 billion
unweighted- 1.5 billion
Imperfect Cell- 1.2 billion
Alternate Seventeen- 1.125 billion
Alternate Eighteen- 1.125 billion
Alternate Gohan (two arms)- 22 million
second base- 275 million
SSJ- 1.1 billion
Alternate Gohan (one arm)- 26 million
second base- 325 million
SSJ- 1.3 billion
Alternate Trunks (teen)- 10 million
second base- 125 million (because he's so close to becoming SSJ, he could access his second base in the first fight with the Androids, before he transformed for the first time)
SSJ- 500 million
Alternate Trunks (adult)- 14 million
second base- 175 million
SSJ- 700 million
The movie takes place in the unseen timeline where only Trunks comes from the future and there is no Cell. The Z-Fighters have found some way of dealing with the Androids and are now enjoying peace. The SSJs are their Early Android Saga selves. Piccolo is stronger than the SSJs, since he managed to make Super 13 budge, so he's obviously Kamiccolo.
Goku- 22 million
second base- 275 million
SSJ- 1.1 billion
Vegeta- 23 million
second base- 287.5 million
SSJ- 1.15 billion
Gohan- 12 million
Krillin- 10 million
Alternate Trunks- 16 million
second base- 200 million
SSJ- 800 million
weighted- 1.35 billion
unweighted- 1.5 billion
Thirteen- 1.15 billion
Fourteen- 750 million
Fifteen- 900 million
Super Thirteen (Fourteen's/Fifteen's powers were added to his own)- 2.8 billion
Goku (spirit bomb/4x)- 4.4 billion
The movie takes place in the same timeline as Movie 7, but the events of Movie 7 precede those of Movie 6. Trunks has gone back to his timeline. Goku and Vegeta are somewhat stronger than before, but still not as strong as Kamiccolo, who loses to Meta Cooler one on one.
weighted- 1.35 billion
unweighted- 1.5 billion
Gohan- 12 million
Krillin- 10 million
Robots- 9.5 million (really hard armor)
Goku- 25 million
second base- 312.5 million
SSJ- 1.25 billion
Vegeta- 25 million
second base- 312.5 million
SSJ- 1.25 billion
Meta Cooler- 1.1 billion
repaired- 1.65 billion
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