Ssj Gotenks ~ Ssj3 GokuSSJ Goku - 100
SSJ2 Goku - 400
SSJ3 Goku - 4,000
Base Gotenks pre - 500
SSJ Gotenks pre - 1,000
Base Gotenks post - 1,250
SSJ Gotenks post - 2,500
SSJ3 Gotenks - 5,000
Super Buu - 4,500
Ultimate Gohan - 6,000
Manga wise, yes. But what if we're trying to make M13 logic work?Ssj Gotenks ~ Ssj3 Goku
Ssj Gotenks ~ Ssj3 Goku
Manga wise, yes. But what if we're trying to make M13 logic work?
What happened to Super implying Kid Boo = SSJ Goku > SSJ Gotenks? You got around on that?
What do you mean? Where is this implied?
Yeah, I have no choice but to go with Suppressed SSJ Goku ~ Kid Buu because Goku > Gohan BoG is super valid.??? You were talking about that Neo last week bruh. The image training remember? You finally agree that it doesn't mean anything?