Recent content by Papasmurf

  1. Papasmurf

    Gohan (post Recoome zenkai) vs Vegeta (post Zarbon zenkai)

    It was stated they were holding back because the enemy looked like Kakarrot though.
  2. Papasmurf

    Rank All the Story Arcs

    In the manga Vegeta used Trunks' Heat Dome Attack too. Them exchanging techniques isn't exactly an asspull.
  3. Papasmurf

    Rank All the Story Arcs

    Because Super is all hollow fanservice and there are even less fans of them than there of the humans. AT made it clear that Goten and Trunks are still >> Kuririn in the Super Hero arc so their irrelevance isn't due to a lack of power or potential.
  4. Papasmurf

    Rank All the Story Arcs

    Gohan got enraged when Cell Max nearly killed Piccolo. It was just another glorified Gohan rage moment, that AT took advantage of to crank out another new form to sell toys with at Toei/Bandai's behest. I agree that SSJ2 Trunks getting a magic near-Blue level power up after two sparring...
  5. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    Gohan seemed shocked that Goku was even using SSJ2 despite seeing him use it's burst form like 2 minutes before he fought Dabura. He's a noob just like :shin
  6. Papasmurf

    Gohan vs Dodoria

    It was an off guard hit and Kuririn yelled for him to flee right after. I don't think Gohan was all that special. 3500 tops.
  7. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    I don't think so. Piccolo still regarded Boo "killing" Gohan as an extreme feat after he was revived which indicates he hadn't weakened all the way down to SSJ adults tier or below. I just handwave Goku's ignorance of the possibility of SSJ2 Vegeta as bad writing, or Super Goku's stupidity...
  8. Papasmurf

    Rank All the Story Arcs

    SSJ Ikari does make sense now that Beast Gohan exists in Super in fairness. Everything else is Toei sucking Trunks off so hard it would make Mai blush, though
  9. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    We know SSJ2 Budokai Gohan and SSJ2 burst Goku are above adult SSJ level for sure, and yet Goku seems to think just going SSJ2 will give him the ability to finish the fight with Majin Vegeta quickly. The narrative definitely seems to suggest Vegeta having SSJ2 was a surprise, which only makes...
  10. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    It's hard to say because everyone seems to forget each other's power placements, especially Kaioshin.
  11. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    This is Super. Shisami is a nobody who went from Zarbon tier to Super Namekian tier in 4 months, anything is possible.
  12. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    Well if Piccolo and Kuririn are trash not even worth taking energy from, these guys they got Ki from can't be THAT weak.
  13. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    Both Shin and Trunks act like Boo is on the verge of revival and Babidi says "It took 10 years to gather all that energy to revive Boo!" The narration after Babidi and Dabura are defeated also openly states Boo would have been revived without Shin's sacrifice. "All that energy" plus them only...
  14. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    Ten years may be nothing to them but it is plenty of time to get stronger, especially since Super shows Boo getting stronger and his lifetime is infinite. Since Boos meter was nearly filled by the time Trunks fought Dabura, he had to have fought to deal damage and timeline shenanigans have made...
  15. Papasmurf

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    Plot, plus in AT's mind SSJ is only a 10x increase.

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