Recent content by Six Trails

  1. Six Trails

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    I haven’t brushed up on this topic in years, but didn’t Vegeta either state or heavily imply he could easily beat Dabra? If yes, then wouldn’t Gohan have to be SS1, since Goku was shocked that Vegeta was able to become a SS2 later?
  2. Six Trails

    Mystico's Dragon Ball GT Thread

    This is remniscent of my one piece read through :troll
  3. Six Trails

    Dbzk on nicktoons

    There are a few random changes not even to censor language that I find interesting. For example, the timing of when Super Dragon Soul starts when Goku is finished healing on Namek. Nicktoons: DVD: It's a small difference but I find it interesting only because I wonder what drove that...
  4. Six Trails

    Ask Six Trails

    Wellbutrin and adderall. The wellbutrin is pretty mild but I think it has helped a bit with motivation and not feeling so drained all the time. Just have to be careful with my heart rate and blood pressure since I’m on the maximum dose of both. Glad to hear your med combo is working well. My...
  5. Six Trails

    Ask Six Trails

    Just really busy but I still check in here almost every day. Will probably be posting more in the winter when things are slow and I'm going out less.
  6. Six Trails

    Ask Six Trails

    I'm not a huge music person and usually I just like individual songs instead of albums/artists I had the offer lined up a few months before I graduated and it officially started about 3 months post graduation Possibly, it would depend on the topic since I'm fairly rusty
  7. Six Trails

    BoGT SSJ3 Goku vs SSJ Gohan

    If you try to use “precise” scaling working backwards from base Goku on M2 and General Rild being around Gohan-Boo levels while also being stronger than his SS self from the beginning of the series then technically Gohan would win. But that’s not really the vibe I get from the story and I agree...
  8. Six Trails

    How do you rank the beams, for power multiplier?

    Babe wake up Diamond Ryan posted
  9. Six Trails

    Top 3 tax-payers list for Manga-ka

    Or anything about taxes :shc
  10. Six Trails

    Top 3 tax-payers list for Manga-ka

    I don’t know Japanese :shc
  11. Six Trails

    2023 DBZeta Fitness Challenge

    Stats Height: 5'7" Weight (as of 1/20): 151lb. Fattest I've ever been: 215lb. (2017) Leanest I've ever been: 147lb. (2022) Don't care too much about my weight on the scale as long as I'm happy with how I look. I imagine with a more ideal physique I'd end up somewhere in the 145-155 range. Don't...
  12. Six Trails

    Ask Six Trails

    I can't think of a good answer for this. The last two years of my life were simultaneously the most stressful and most exciting yet. A lot of things happened and changed and I've learned a lot, but I don't think I could narrow it down into some overarching wisdom. If anything, I would say I was...
  13. Six Trails

    Ask Six Trails

    I don't think I've met anyone I would describe as evil on here Been really busy in the last week with work but doing good most days Gen 2. Besides the nostalgia I like the older games for their simplicity. No natures, hidden abilities, EVs, etc. to worry about when team building or catching...
  14. Six Trails

    Ask Six Trails

    I'm online pretty much every day I just don't always have something to say/post Work, gym, hang out with friends I don't have a single favorite

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸