Who do you think is stronger between Gohan/Super Boo and Gokuu/Pure Boo in the Boo arc?


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Probably the biggest argument about the OG manga.

I think it's logical to conclude Buff Boo is stronger than Pure Boo. The increased muscle mass would suggest a power-up and every other person Boo absorbed made him stronger with the exception of Grand Kaioh-shin; it was never said South Kaioh-shin made him weaker. His bulk probably made him slower, too, but the main reason Buff Boo isn't considered the most dangerous is because he wasn't as evil due to having absorbed South Kaioh-shin. Pure Boo is considered the evilest because he's pure, raw evil; Buff Boo had somebody else part of him, which reduced his evilness, albeit not to the point Bibbidi could control him. Although it's not explicitly said that South Kaioh-shin had any effect on Boo's personality, we already saw when Super Boo absorbed Piccolo that absorbing people affects Boo's personality. Just as he took in Piccolo's IQ, there's no reason he wouldn't have taken in South Kaioh-shin's IQ. In other words, Boo became smarter when he absorbed South Kaioh-shin and that made him less evil. Pure Boo was basically a wild animal and that made him the most dangerous Boo.

When Boo absorbed Grand Kaioh-shin and turned Fat, he became weaker. Then, when Fat Boo snapped and released all of his evil, it created Gray Boo, which was a corrupted version of Pure Boo. Gray Boo ate Fat Boo and turned into Super Boo. Gokuu admits to being weaker than Super Boo, but he thinks he has a shot against Pure Boo, which would suggest Super is stronger than Pure. Super Boo was established as being weaker than Buff Boo, so if Pure Boo is weaker than Super, he's weaker than Buff by extension. However, it's not explicitly said that Pure Boo was weaker than Buff Boo. Gokuu and Vegeeta merely assumed he was weaker because he was smaller. You'd think it'd explicitly be said if that were the case.

Actually, come to think of it, Boo's muscle mass increasing when he absorbed South Kaioh-shin isn't even necessarily an indicator of his power increasing, because all it means is that he took the physical attributes of South Kaioh-shin. Nothing suggests Buff Boo was stronger or weaker than Pure Boo, so it could be that they were the same strength, but Buff Boo wasn't as dangerous due to the intelligence gained from South Kaioh-shin. But then again, there's no reason why absorbing South Kaioh-shin wouldn't have powered Boo up. We'll never know the answer.
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May 30, 2015
Ultra Boo being stronger than Kid Boo is the only sound argument Manga readers make about Kid Boo > Super Boo, and that could be explained away as a plot hole.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023

キビト神 「・・・まず二人が 殺されました・・・北の界王神と西の界王神が・・・そして 一番たくましく 強かった 南の界王神は かいおうしん・・・なんとブウに 吸収されて しまったのです・・・」
Kibitoshin: "... mazu futari ga korosa remashita ... kita no kaiōshin to nishi no kaiōshin ga ... soshite ichiban takumashiku tsuyokatta minami no kaiōshin wa kai ō shin ... nanto bū ni kyūshū sa rete shimatta nodesu ..."
Kibito God: "... First, two were killed...the North World King God and the West World King God ...and then, the South World King God, the toughest and strongest one, was somehow absorbed by Boo ..."

老界王神 「・・・さっきの でかい魔人ブウに なったのじゃな?」
Rōkaiōshin: "... sakki no dekai majinbū ni natta noja na?"
Elder World King God: "... he turned into that huge Demon Boo from before, didn't he?"

キビト神 「・・・はい・・・」
Kibitoshin: "... hai ..."
Kibito God: "... yes ..."

キビト神「・・・つぎに 吸収されてしまったのは ふとっていたけど やさしく 温和な大界王神さまでした・・・・・・ビビディのつくりだした 魔人ブウは邪悪そのもので ビビディ本人の手にも おえない失敗作だったの ですが 大界王神さまを 吸収したことでなんとか コントロールできるように なったのです・・・」
Kibitoshin: "... tsugi ni kyūshū sa rete shimatta no wa futo tte itakedo yasashiku onwana daikaiōshin-samadeshita ... bibidi no tsukuri dashita majinbū wa jaaku sonomono de bibidi hon'nin no te ni mo oenai shippai-sakudatta nodesuga daikaiōshin sama o kyūshū shita koto de nantoka kontorōru dekiru yō ni natta nodesu ..."
Kibito God: "... The next to be absorbed was the fat but kind and gentle Lord Grand World King God ... the Demon Boo created by Bibbidi was evil itself, a failure that not even Bibbidi himself could handle, but when Lord Grand World King God was absorbed, [Bibbidi] could somehow control him ..."

老界王神「・・・やっと 完成 した わけ じゃな・・・ ということはじゃ・・・いまの・・・あの小さな魔人ブウは・・・最初の・・・い・・・一番やっかいなヤツじゃと・・・」
Rōkaiōshin: "... yatto kansei shita wake ja na... to iu koto wa ja... ima no... ano chīsana majinbū wa... saisho no... i... ichiban yakkaina yatsu ja to..."
Elder World King God: " ... so, he was finally completed ... which is to say that ... this current ... small Demon Boo ... is the first ... m ... most troublesome one ..."

キビト神 「・・・はい・・・吸収によってパワーを減らしてまで手に入れた心が・・・また元にもどってしまった・・・自制心がまったくない・・・悪そのものの存在に・・・」
Kibitoshin: "... hai... kyūshū ni yotte pawā o herashite made teniireta kokoro ga... mata gen ni modotte shimatta... jiseishin ga mattakunai... aku sonomono no sonzai ni..."
Kibito God: "... Yes ... the mind he gained by lowering his power through absorption ... has returned to its original state ... he has no self-control whatsoever ... he has become evil itself ..."

When Kibitoshin says that Boo gained a mind by lowering his power through absorption, he's speaking in general. He wasn't saying that Grand Kaioh-shin specifically was the one who made Boo weaker. Nowhere does Kibitoshin explicitly say that Grand Kaioh-shin made Boo weaker. He only says that Grand Kaioh-shin made it possible for Boo to be controlled by Bibbidi. When he says absorption made Boo weaker, he doesn't specify who it was that made him weaker, so it's a general statement.

Pure Boo himself is singled out as the most troublesome Boo of all. Kibitoshin explains he's the most troublesome because he lacks the mind he gained by lowering his power through absorption. Because he lacks that mind, he's pure evil and has no self-control, which makes him the most troublesome. Absorbing South Kaioh-shin gave Boo some self-control, so he wasn't as evil. This made Boo weaker, because Kibitoshin said his power was lowered when his mind changed from its original state. Boo was originally pure evil; when he absorbed South Kaioh-shin, he was no longer pure evil and thus, he was weaker.

Although there's no way to make sense of Gokuu saying he could beat him at full power when he admitted to being weaker than Super Boo, Pure Boo is supposed to be the strongest Boo of them all.

Herms's translation of what Kibitoshin says isn't quite accurate. 心 (kokoro) can translate to both "heart" and "mind", but the latter would make more sense given the context is that Kibitoshin is talking about Boo's personality. Also, note this line:

ビビディのつくりだした 魔人ブウは邪悪そのもので ビビディ本人の手にも おえない失敗作だったの ですが 大界王神さまを 吸収したことでなんとか コントロールできるように なったのです・・・
Bibidi no tsukuri dashita majinbū wa jaaku sonomono de bibidi hon'nin no te ni mo oenai shippai-sakudatta nodesuga daikaiōshin sama o kyūshū shita koto de nantoka kontorōru dekiru yō ni natta nodesu ..."

Herms translated it as, "The Majin Boo that Bibidi created was evil itself, a failed creation that even Bibidi himself couldn’t handle, but by absorbing the Dai-Kaioshin, he somehow become [sic] controllable…."

Kibitoshin wasn't saying that Boo only became controllable once he absorbed Grand Kaioh-shin; he was specifically saying that it became possible for Bibbidi himself to control Boo once he absorbed Grand Kaioh-shin. As Kibitoshin implies right after, Boo gained some self-control when he absorbed South Kaioh-shin.
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Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Goku was clearly coping hard and admits to have underestimated Boo. Though he says that about stamina and still insists he just has to charge his Ki for a blast.


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
It’s good translations, but I disagree with your conclusion.

The context behind the last 2 statements
is Dai Kaioshin giving Buu the heart, thus weakening him.
Fat Buu is weaker not only in power, but he lacks the ability of sensing ki like the other Buus could.

Buff Buu is still the evil freak that kid Buu was.
South Kaioshin isn’t implied to have given Buu an influence on Buus heart as Dai Kaioshin did.
Afterall, Buff Buu suppressed his power enough to torture Kaioshit until Dai kaioshin stepped in.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Buff Buu is still the evil freak that kid Buu was.
Pure Boo is singled out as the most troublesome Boo of all, so no.
South Kaioshin isn’t implied to have given Buu an influence on Buus heart as Dai Kaioshin did.
"Oh, no, he's turning back!" Kibitoshin upon seeing Buff Boo turn back into Pure Boo. It's clear as day Pure Boo is eviler than Buff Boo lol

Like, the whole reason Pure Boo is the evilest is because he's Boo in his rawest, purest form. He doesn't have anyone absorbed, so he's pure, unadulterated evil. Buff Boo has someone absorbed; that means he's not Boo in his purest form, so he can't be as evil as Pure Boo.
Afterall, Buff Buu suppressed his power enough to torture Kaioshit until Dai kaioshin stepped in.
Non-canon fammy fam

But the anime explicitly calls Pure Boo the strongest Boo of all if we're going there lol


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
Pure Boo is singled out as the most troublesome Boo of all, so no.

"Oh, no, he's turning back!" Kibitoshin upon seeing Buff Boo turn back into Pure Boo. It's clear as day Pure Boo is eviler than Buff Boo lol

Like, the whole reason Pure Boo is the evilest is because he's Boo in his rawest, purest form. He doesn't have anyone absorbed, so he's pure, unadulterated evil. Buff Boo has someone absorbed; that means he's not Boo in his purest form, so he can't be as evil as Pure Boo.

Non-canon fammy fam
Sure, if you interpret it that way.
This doesn’t change the fact when looking at the context, DaiKaioshin is the Kaioshin to truly weaken Buu in literally all areas, not limited to power even.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
This doesn’t change the fact when looking at the context, DaiKaioshin is the Kaioshin to truly weaken Buu in literally all areas, not limited to power even.

That doesn't mean South Kaioh-shin didn't weaken Boo at all lol. He just didn't weaken him as much as Grand.
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Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
That doesn't mean South Kaioh-shin didn't weaken Boo at all lol. He just didn't weaken him as much as Grand.
Share where it’s stated that South Kaioshin weakened Buu at all?

The dialogue is still talking about the instance after Daikaioshin is absorbed and gave Buu a good heart.
Your take only works if you dissect each statement separately without context, or in your case just completely ignoring it.
Either that, or your reading comprehension is lacking, but I’m sure you’re smarter than that surely? Huehue


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Share where it’s stated that South Kaioshin weakened Buu at all?

Share where it's stated that Grand Kaioh-shin weakened Boo at all?

Two can play this game lol

The dialogue is still talking about the instance after Daikaioshin is absorbed and gave Buu a good heart.

All they said about Grand Kaioh-shin was that he made Boo able to be controlled by Bibbidi.

It was never specified who weakened Boo, so when Kibitoshin says absorption weakened Boo and gave him a mind, he's making a generalized statement. Meaning both South and Grand Kaioh-shin weakened Boo. Considering that Pure Boo is singled out as the most troublesome Boo because he doesn't have the mind gained from lowering his power through absorption, it's unambiguous.

Kibitoshin didn't say, "the heart he gained by lowering his power through absorbing Grand Kaioh-shin"; that he was specifically referring to Grand Kaioh-shin is your headcanon.

Your take only works if you dissect each statement separately without context, or in your case just completely ignoring it.

The characters: Pure Boo is the evilest, most troublesome Boo.
You: He's not the evilest or most troublesome because my headcanon says otherwise

Just admit you're wrong instead of calling the kettle black lol


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
I really don't understand why some weirdos have to make everything complicated lol

If the characters say Pure Boo is the most troublesome Boo, then that means Buff Boo isn't as troublesome as Pure Boo.
If the characters say that the reason Pure Boo is the most troublesome is because he lacks the mind gained by lowering his power through absorption, then that means Buff Boo is weaker than Pure Boo.

Just because the story doesn't align with your headcanon or made-up power level lists doesn't mean you should be in denial like this. It's a children's comic, famalam.


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
Share where it's stated that Grand Kaioh-shin weakened Boo at all?

Two can play this game lol

All they said about Grand Kaioh-shin was that he made Boo able to be controlled by Bibbidi.

It was never specified who weakened Boo, so when Kibitoshin says absorption weakened Boo and gave him a mind, he's making a generalized statement. Meaning both South and Grand Kaioh-shin weakened Boo. Considering that Pure Boo is singled out as the most troublesome Boo because he doesn't have the mind gained from lowering his power through absorption, it's unambiguous.

Kibitoshin didn't say, "the heart he gained by lowering his power through absorbing Grand Kaioh-shin"; that he was specifically referring to Grand Kaioh-shin is your headcanon.

The characters: Pure Boo is the evilest, most troublesome Boo.
You: He's not the evilest or most troublesome because my headcanon says otherwise

Just admit you're wrong instead of calling the kettle black lol
Too long didn’t read.

They literally talk how Dai Kaioshin was the ingredient that made Buu weaker and easier to control.

Your reading leaves a lot left to be desired if you’re treating these as separate pieces.
The conversation continues on from there, it doesn’t go into general terminology as you’ve interpreted it for some reason.
That is not how a conversation works.

RouKaioshin and Kibitoshin are still talking about the Dai Kaioshin absorption in the next sentence.
Why? They’re still talking about how the good hearted Kaioshin changed Buu completely, this is evident from RouKaioshins follow up question and Kibitoshins answer.

If you can’t read the conversation or context then it’s literally on you.
If you’re trolling, good job but boring asf.
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Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
“I really don't understand why some weirdos have to make everything complicated lol”

Don’t blame us that your simple ass mind can’t comprehend a general asf dialogue between 2 secondary characters in a cartoon famalam :ROFLMAO:

Bro uses ChatGPT to translate better than Herms, but in the end fails at the most important point which is proper interpretation of the context behind the dialogue and how a conversation works.

This is literally how shitty movie subtitles are created in Japan because of lack of reading comprehension and too much dissecting of a quote.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
They literally talk how Dai Kaioshin was the ingredient that made Buu weaker and easier to control.
Again, share the part where they actually say "Dai Kaioshin made Boo weaker". You can't lol
Your reading leaves a lot left to be desired if you’re treating these as separate pieces.
"This small Boo is the first, most troublesome one of them all"

You: But ackshully Buff Boo is just as troublesome because my headcanon sez so

"Reading comprehension"

The conversation continues on from there, it doesn’t go into general terminology as you’ve interpreted it for some reason.
"I can't actually share the part where they say 'Dai Kaioshin made Boo weaker' and am just yapping"
RouKaioshin and Kibitoshin are still talking about the Dai Kaioshin absorption in the next sentence.
"Yap yap"
Why? They’re still talking about how the good hearted Kaioshin changed Buu completely, this is evident from RouKaioshins follow up question and Kibitoshins answer.
Elder Kaioh-shin: This small Boo is the first, most troublesome Boo of all.
Kibitoshin: Yes.

No one:
Literally no one: Ackshully they're talking about Buff Boo
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Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
0314-002 (1).jpg
0314-002 (1)_1.jpg

But Buff Boo is totes just as evil as Pure Boo because a keyboard warrior says so


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
oh look, more textual diarrhea from the
incest porn addict huehuehue:whocares


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
Bro can’t even read, maybe don’t get straddled up in debunking Herms B tier translations and learn how to comprehend dialogue and context lmao


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Your autism is off the charts.

Anyway, Pure Boo is the strongest Boo lol