- Joined
- May 30, 2015
- Messages
- 4,898
suck my dick bitch, fucking lower lifeforms
Krillin: 10,200
Gohan: 10,900
Vegeta: 30,000
Gurd: 7,500
Recoome: 39,000
Jheese: 39,000
Butta: 39,000
Goku: 90,000
- vs Ginyus: 66,000
- vs Ginyu: 75,000
- KK: 180,000
Ginyu: 120,000
- vs Goku: 81,000
- in Goku: <23,000
Krillin vs Ginyu: 24,500
Gohan vs Ginyu: 26,000
Vegeta post-zenkai: 60,000
Nail: 42,000
Freeza: 530,000
Vegeta: 490,000
Krillin: 250,000
Gohan: 300,000
- enraged: 940,000
Piccolo: 330,000
- w/ w: 275,000
2nd form Freeza: 1,060,000
- powerup: 1,300,000
- full power: 1,560,000
Piccolo w/ Nail: 1,360,000
- w/o w: 1,600,000
3rd form Freeza: 2,200,000
Gohan post-zenkai: 1,000,000
- enraged: 1,900,000
Vegeta post-zenkai: 5,000,000
- blast: 7,280,000
- initial/lunging at Goku: 5,600,000
- vs Vegeta/firing death beams at Goku: 7,700,000
- warmup vs Goku: 8,500,000
- no hands: 13,500,000
- 50%: 280,000,000
- 70%: 392,000,000
- 100%: 560,000,000
-- Forcefield: 1,400,000,000
- warmup: 8,300,000
- full power: 12,000,000
- KKx10: 120,000,000
- KKx20: 240,000,000
-- KHH: 300,000,000
- SSJ: 600,000,000
-- KHH: 1,500,000,000
SSJ Future Gohan:
- 2 arms: 675,000,000
- 1 arm: 900,000,000
Future 17: 2,600,000,000
- Less than half: 850,000,000
Future 18: 2,400,000,000
Mecha Freeza: 615,000,000
- suppressed: 220,000,000
King Cold: 210,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 930,000,000
SSJ Goku: 1,150,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 2,400,000,000
SSJ Goku (unseen FP): 2,360,000,000
- Sick: 1,300,000,000 and dropping
-- Weakened: 1,000,000,000 and dropping
SSJ Trunks: 2,200,000,000
Piccolo: 2,000,000,000
#19: 1,050,000,000
- post: 1,350,000,000
#20: 1,400,000,000
- post: 1,700,000,000 (this is way too fucking high tbh, he should be like 1.4b TOPS, but I'm in too deep now)
#18: 3,600,000,000
#17: 3,950,000,000
Imperfect Cell: 3,000,000,000
Piccolo w/ Kami:
- w/w: 3,500,000,000
- w/o: 4,000,000,000
-- Light Grenade: 11,000,000,000
Imperfect Cell (post-humans): 20,000,000,000
#16: 20,000,000,000
Semi-Perfect Cell: 40,000,000,000
- full power: 48,000,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 40,000,000,000
- SSG2: 84,000,000,000
-- Final Flash: 252,000,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 39,000,000,000
- SSJG2: 81,900,000,000
- SSJG3: 185,000,000,000
Perfect Cell: 160,000,000,000
50% Goku: 155,000,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 200,000,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 195,000,000,000
Piccolo: 150,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 310,000,000,000
Cell: 350,000,000,000
- vs Gohan: 440,000,000,000
SSJ Gohan: 420,000,000,000
FP Cell: 660,000,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan: 1,260,000,000,000
Cell post-zenkai: 1,200,000,000,000
Krillin: 10,200
Gohan: 10,900
Vegeta: 30,000
Gurd: 7,500
Recoome: 39,000
Jheese: 39,000
Butta: 39,000
Goku: 90,000
- vs Ginyus: 66,000
- vs Ginyu: 75,000
- KK: 180,000
Ginyu: 120,000
- vs Goku: 81,000
- in Goku: <23,000
Krillin vs Ginyu: 24,500
Gohan vs Ginyu: 26,000
Vegeta post-zenkai: 60,000
Nail: 42,000
Freeza: 530,000
Vegeta: 490,000
Krillin: 250,000
Gohan: 300,000
- enraged: 940,000
Piccolo: 330,000
- w/ w: 275,000
2nd form Freeza: 1,060,000
- powerup: 1,300,000
- full power: 1,560,000
Piccolo w/ Nail: 1,360,000
- w/o w: 1,600,000
3rd form Freeza: 2,200,000
Gohan post-zenkai: 1,000,000
- enraged: 1,900,000
Vegeta post-zenkai: 5,000,000
- blast: 7,280,000
- initial/lunging at Goku: 5,600,000
- vs Vegeta/firing death beams at Goku: 7,700,000
- warmup vs Goku: 8,500,000
- no hands: 13,500,000
- 50%: 280,000,000
- 70%: 392,000,000
- 100%: 560,000,000
-- Forcefield: 1,400,000,000
- warmup: 8,300,000
- full power: 12,000,000
- KKx10: 120,000,000
- KKx20: 240,000,000
-- KHH: 300,000,000
- SSJ: 600,000,000
-- KHH: 1,500,000,000
SSJ Future Gohan:
- 2 arms: 675,000,000
- 1 arm: 900,000,000
Future 17: 2,600,000,000
- Less than half: 850,000,000
Future 18: 2,400,000,000
Mecha Freeza: 615,000,000
- suppressed: 220,000,000
King Cold: 210,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 930,000,000
SSJ Goku: 1,150,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 2,400,000,000
SSJ Goku (unseen FP): 2,360,000,000
- Sick: 1,300,000,000 and dropping
-- Weakened: 1,000,000,000 and dropping
SSJ Trunks: 2,200,000,000
Piccolo: 2,000,000,000
#19: 1,050,000,000
- post: 1,350,000,000
#20: 1,400,000,000
- post: 1,700,000,000 (this is way too fucking high tbh, he should be like 1.4b TOPS, but I'm in too deep now)
#18: 3,600,000,000
#17: 3,950,000,000
Imperfect Cell: 3,000,000,000
Piccolo w/ Kami:
- w/w: 3,500,000,000
- w/o: 4,000,000,000
-- Light Grenade: 11,000,000,000
Imperfect Cell (post-humans): 20,000,000,000
#16: 20,000,000,000
Semi-Perfect Cell: 40,000,000,000
- full power: 48,000,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 40,000,000,000
- SSG2: 84,000,000,000
-- Final Flash: 252,000,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 39,000,000,000
- SSJG2: 81,900,000,000
- SSJG3: 185,000,000,000
Perfect Cell: 160,000,000,000
50% Goku: 155,000,000,000
SSJ Vegeta: 200,000,000,000
SSJ Trunks: 195,000,000,000
Piccolo: 150,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 310,000,000,000
Cell: 350,000,000,000
- vs Gohan: 440,000,000,000
SSJ Gohan: 420,000,000,000
FP Cell: 660,000,000,000
SSJ2 Gohan: 1,260,000,000,000
Cell post-zenkai: 1,200,000,000,000