Tell Tinny that Adamas has become a hippie. I'm pretty sure SOME of them previously didn't want to come here because of sociopolitical discussion.
Otherwise if recruiting there are three main pools of people we don't know:
1. Gen Alpha and Gen Z children. Withheld can recruit those, along with any DBZ fans in the FBI who follow him here (lmao. not rofl, but I'm on the floor on my laptop cuz it's plugged into the tv. Ow my knees. Sitting on my knees cuz i apparently laughed my ass off, scared to try sitting now).
2. Old people born in the 80s-70s who like DBZ and are searching for a new online home.
3. I didn't think this far ahead, I just said three pools and hoped I'd think of something. Maybe ahill knows people on whatsapp groups.
4. youtube
5. manga-reading sites. get unbanned fropm them all but someine might see the url for the 300 seconds before your account is obliterated.
6. non-dbz anime/manga fans.
Lol for #6 googled narutoforums dbzeta and found this on someone's profile (Yoshi was on that page too):

Found Symbiote is on worstgen and has dbzeta's link on his profile. I have it on MAL, but idk if anyone's ever clicked on it.
A reality is I think the forum is quite cliquey (not a complaint). When everyone knows each other idk how easy it is for new people to come in (coincidence that dbzf friend groups joined around the same time? Could just be an age thing I guess). That SonGohan84 was active for a bit but left (he PMed asking what anime I like, I never replied cuz life things). Bedroombully is a newbie tho. Whatever happened to Natasha Romanoff? Did they change accounts or leave?
Unban Tosh (seems like he tried to come back at some point?) If he comes back as a penis I'll take the flack and change my avatar to this