1. Who was WB's 5th Division Commander?
2. What rank was the marine with the rust-rust fruit?
3. Which ocean was Van Augur born in?
4. Which two oceans are the most common birth region of the Blackbeard pirates? (from the ones known)
5. Which two ocean are the most common birth region of the...
Should Blackbeard have a tougher time with Garp than with the logias? Because Garp hasn't developed a fighting style dependent on being a logia, whereas the logias have, so having their fruit removed by touch would cause more problems for them. Yeh, when punched with haki they also lose their...
It doesn't hurt them when he separates them.
Can he kill Aokiji by removing a proton from all his brain cells? I guess it still won't harm him. Can he just kill Shanks with radiation? Send loads of protons and electrons at him.
Pancake-pancake fruit (paramecia)
Blue whale fruit (zoan)
Flamingo fruit (zoan)
Magnetic field fruit (logia)
Short-wavelength fruit (logia - UV rays, X-ray and gamma rays)
Width-length fruit (paramecia. Lets you swap the length and width of any non-living objects)
Lookout (you have to look out at the sea)
Helmsman (driver)
Gunner (uses ship's cannons/turrets)
Ropemaker (repair ropes)
Sailmaker (repair sails)
Lead supply guy (move supplies or cargo around, organise the cargo)
Deck repairman (superficial ship repairs on deck)
You have to do one...
OP world, but real life. Pirates everywhere. Pretty hard to actually kill anyone, even if you use a bomb or 10 million volts of lightning.
You can choose your top few choices if you want.
I've had an account here for almost 10 years and just now accidentally discovered you can see previous usernames. There's an arrow that looks like "undo" when you click a username, which I accidentally clicked on. It shows at least 1 previous username. But I already lost how to find the arrow...
I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be interested in these.
DBZF ones:
more emoticons (pretty sure most of these weren't in the actual list):
the legendary one:
Source threads:
Someone seeks them out for CP9. Was this Lucci or Spandam's choice? Or a group vote? Or is an order from the Gorosei or some other World Government employee?
I guess Admirals are given extremely powerful fruits? I guess they usually make a name for themselves in the marines first, before getting...
There's only 4 chapters uploaded here, all in Polish:
Supposedly they're made from screenshots of the anime? But it looks very well-made!
Copied from here (credit to Engineer/Ninjaneer/Rockman and dbzf dbz debaters of that time): https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/dragonball_z_forum/the-dbz-jargon-t31969.html
archive links:
- https://web.archive.org/web/20180713163313/http://dbzf.co.uk/topic/8339821/1/ (2018)
Do they know where they are? They could easily get the ones in Skypeia, Arabasta and some others. Well, I'm not sure if they could get to Skypeia easily since you have to go on the Knock Up Stream or the Summit of High West or from other sky islands (coming through other islands wouldn't be very...
1. You watch an adult hit another adult through the wood structure of a house
2. You get kidnapped by a huge guy with long hair, right in front of your father.
3. You're being carried through the sky by a guy who might just drop you at any time.
4. You're with a guy who might kill you at any...
Do we have any idea how this guy fights? Did he do the same physical training as Goku and Krillin? He's a much bigger guy, so he'd struggle with all the milk delivering and farming. And he can't even kamehameha. We've never even see him spar anyone (which leads me to the question of Chi Chi's...
So this Myzuk J was stronger than Oden, as he was the strongest swordsman. Maybe stronger than Rayleigh too (dunno if it could be a Mihawk-Shanks situation, where it's unclear if Rayleigh is a weaker swordsman but stronger fighter). Normally for that era it's like: