1. Someone who unlocks it naturally
2. Someone who increases its power more easily than others who have unlocked it
Luffy and Ace unlocked conqueror's (CoC) without training for it.
Luffy developed his CoC very quickly.
Luffy unlocked observation (CoA) haki without training for it, but he did...
Won't name names in case they come back, but in the current "newest members" 4 of the 12 are like this. Join date same as last login date, and 0 posts. Even if they're bots, what's the purpose of not making posts to advertise anything and then never logging in again? They can't even monitor the...
by the end of the series?
or if not, will he be as formidable a foe? Like you'd rather go against Zoro and Sanji than against Zoro with Usopp in support? Or more like either pairing is as dangerous in a Marineford-style war.
He went to Marineford but it's not like he was serious. I mean he looked like he wasn't serious, plus after what Shanks did to Kidd and having seen Kaidou's power, Mihawk can't have been going for it.
"When your friend is crying, cry with him. When your friend is worried, you should worry with him. And when your friend has an awkward bowel movement, then you must have an awkward bowel movement too. Shin-chan, if you are a friend, you should be able to share the other's pain, no matter what...