They don't become as strong as them. They just get the powers. If the power includes speed or strength they get the same boost in relation to the beings of One Piece as the character has in relation to the beings in their original series.
Naruto fruit
Sasuke fruit
Gaara fruit
Shikamaru fruit...
In the manga or Japanese dub of any Toei anime?
In English:
In Japanese:
There's also the final episode where they call each other friend in the Funimation dub:
"That's lame" lol
Has anyone ever actually used it? (tje buttons ar tje bottin if the page uou can see them if you scriol down im yoir briswet if yoy can filllw these petfrcrku legibke instructions)
Just curious after noticing the buttons just now. "Just just just just just"
Pokemon Gen 3 had a water theme. Water fucking EVERYWHERE (now I want to drink water, brb....I'm back (for real)). The legendaries Kyogre and Groudon live under the sea and Kyogre controls water. There are 3 water-navigating HMs (Surf, Waterfall, Dive), plus Whirlpool is needed to traverse some...
Of course the series must be more fleshed out, but besides that? Do they contradict each other? Do they have fights go down differently? Do they give a different image of how battle powers line up, how the world of DB works or about the thoughts or personality of the characters? Or even...
Not sure if I posted this before, but I did on DBZF. It's from 2018.
Guldo done fucked up. Very cool though. Bringing DBZ to dwellings across Europe.
This seems to be from 2016:
You need the Road Poneglyphs to find Raftel, right? So are Blackbeard, Big Mom, Kaido, Kidd, Law and Buggy looking for them? Blackbeard went to Arabasta and Skypeia, but what about Wano and wherever else?
Who do you think it'll be?
Is there someone on Elbaf? Or will it be one of the Gorosei? They've already clashed with Luffy on Egghead and know about his fruit, so surely they won't ignore them on Elbaf? Or is something stopping them from interfering? Do they just not care? Surely they know he's...
Why are they not in the WG? What effect does that have on them? Does it mean they're at more risk of being attacked by pirates? How come the WG doesn't try to force them to join?
stole this topic from another forum
Obviously the later forms evolve from the earlier forms. But what about separate pokemon? Is clefairy related to jigglipuff? Is Mr Mime related to Jynx? Is Growlithe related to Raikou, Luxray and Pyroar? Is Foongus related to Breloom?
Or are the types related to each other? Is Alakazam related...
I guess Johto, Kanto, Unova etc are all in one country? Is there another country or continent with totally different pokemon? Or with different colours of pokemon? Unova is supposed to be far away and is inspired by New York's surroundings. Kinda answered my own question...awkward.
This beam never achieved anything. Enraged Gohan used it vs 2nd Form Freeza, while being strong enough to overwhelm and hurt Freeza with punches. If he'd used a kamehameha instead, he would have killed Freeza right there. No more SSJ God Blue SSJ bullshit in Super, just kaioken x10,000 instead...
How many ADULT (you sick f#cks) blue people avatars can he wipe out? He gets $100 for each one. He gets $200 if instead of wiping them out he paints them magenta. It's in the jungle.
The marines have steam engines? I'm wondering if they have exclusive technology, or if the whole world has access to it. If it's exclusive, the marines should think "this is weird, why do we have this secret technology?" Also are there lightbulbs in One Piece? They use snails to communicate, but...
Mr Miyagi says Zunesha is searching for a location.
Zunesha has extraordinary eyesight (expected him to be blind). So it can't be Wano. Is it Raftel? Do we know if he travels big distances across the New World, or does he always stay near Dressrosa/Whole Cake Island?
How can it wonder around...
Surely with a log posse it doesn't matter that it's dark?
There are no storms there, unlike the Bermuda Triangle.
I remember waiting for them to reveal it, but they never did.