I'll name a famous anime character and a clip of the character speaking. Then I'll post another clip, that features the same voice actor. You have to guess which character has the same actor.
1. Tashigi from One Piece
2. Is in this Haibane Renmei clip somewhere (black hair or light hair)
Can Zelda survive 20 minutes with the pink ranger?
Round 1: in an elevator. Day time.
Round 2: in a train carriage. Night time. No air conditioning, in Siberia in the winter.
Round 3: in a second-growth forest. 21C/70f, dry weather. Day time.
Say if he wanted to make Hito Hito: model Shanks. Or Hito Hito: model Zoro. Hito Hito: model Vegapunk.
Nika was a real person from within the One Piece universe.
Humna human was funny so I'm leaving it
Did they address this? Would it kill them? Or would they just get multiple human transformations, like a brain form, muscular form, fast form and energy-efficient form, with a slow metabolism? Maybe a hibernation form that looks like Sanjuan Wolf. Also...
Can he just shoot light at solar panels for like 1 year straight and power the world for the next 1000 years? Enel can do it too.
Wb Green Bull? Can't he make 1000 trees on an island, then Sabo burns them all for fuel
Does it take energy for a logia to produce whatever their power is? I'm...
1. Was he there to watch Luffy leave for the Grand Line? If so, was he planning on meeting him, or just watching him? Or was he there for some other reason, related to the Rev Army?
2. How did he know Luffy was going to be at Loguetown at that time? Did he have someone watching Luffy? Or did he...
In North, South, East or West Blue, or elsewhere? Shanks spent time in East Blue. Gaban at Reverse Mountain, so maybe some other old elite pirates chose to stay away from the action (kinda weird for Gaban to live in a whale with nobody for company. Well, even with company it would still be...
They get six pokemon: grass, fire, water and then whatever types they want.
Which pokemon, out of all of them, becomes the world champion? Mewtwo? Mew? Alakazam? Celebi? Mr Mime? Porygon Z? Entei? Lugia (thought it was Luigi lol)? They have to make the strongest team (they don't fight, they're...
Cell got a zenkai from regenerating. That seems hax btw.
Would a saiyan going SSJ be able to get an immediate zenkai? Or Gohan going SSJ2? A saiyan turning Great Ape? Or Cell going from Semi-Perfect to so-called Perfect? Transformations seem to heal fighters. I mean if you're 75% beaten up, but...