Radditz was a chad but a dumb one at that. What do you think the ceiling on his potential was? Assuming he got unlocks like Guru and Old Kaio can provide and proper training, can he reach the Buu Saga tier and beyond or does he cap out on Namek?
He was a real brute and shares blood with Goku...
This thread got a lot of members assblasted over on another forum, so I'm doing it here. Superman is an Amalgamation of all his main continuity versions. Who wins?
Is Tambourine the ultimate alpha male in DBZ?
>delivered the first ever "one-shot" against a main character
>possibly started the long run of krillin getting owned by superior males
>takes no bullshit
>first born son of Piccolo-Daimao
>goes shirtless because he has a six pack, unlike old meng...
Go to Namek and get one of them to be the new Kami on Earth? It's what they did with Dende and the Dragon Balls would be brought back to Earth. Having them would make fixing the world a whole lot easier.