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  1. H

    My new Saiyans Saga PL list. Is it good?

    Saibaimen: 1,200 -suicide blast: 2,200 Yamcha: 1,350 Krillin: 1,400 -scattering bullet: 2,500 (then splits into five balls of 2,000 each) -spirit bomb: 25,000 Tenshinhan: 1600 -kikoho: 2,600 Chaozu: 600 -suicide blast: 2,200 Gohan: 1,300 -enraged: 2,400 -massenko: 2,800 Piccolo: 2,000...
  2. H

    Gohan (post Recoome zenkai) vs Vegeta (post Zarbon zenkai)

    Yaay, I love candies.
  3. H

    Imagine a parallel universe with Lady Red replacing Dragon Ball as AT's main work.

    Imagine that Dragon Ball was just a few-page long comic, ending with Goku killing the talking fish (from the beginning of the story), bringing peace to Mt Paozu and living happily ever after or something. Instead, AT developed Lady Red, turning it into a long series, a vast universe, full of...
  4. H

    Can the BOZ Tenshinhan-FP Raditz gaps fit into the 250-1,250 range?

    The gaps we need to fit in are: BOZ Tenshinhan < Mr Popo << Kami << 23rd TB Piccolo (post Goku's beating) << 23rd TB Piccolo (post area attack) << 23rd TB Piccolo (post arm regeneration) < 23rd TB Piccolo (panting) < 23rd TB Piccolo (full power) = 23rd TB Goku << 23rd TB Goku (post zenkai) <<...
  5. H

    20x KK Goku - 50% Freeza - 20x KK/KHH gaps

    When Goku was about to fire the KHH, he said, "Please, let him be bluffing this time." That implies that if Freeza is bluffing and cannot increase his power any further, the 20x KK/KHH is expected to deal him serious damage. As we saw earlier with Recoome against Vegeta's pseudo-final flash, a...
  6. H

    Buu Saga gaps (with "Goku/Vegeta absorbed Vegetto's power" theory)

    SSJ Goku/Vegeta - 100 SSJ2 Goku/Vegeta - 250 SSJ3 Goku - 750 Base Gotenks (pre) - 320 SSJ Gotenks pre - 800 Fat Buu - 700 Good Buu - 300 Gray Buu - 400 Base Gotenks post - 900 SSJ Gotenks post - 2,250 SSJ3 Gotenks - 4,500 Super Buu - 4,000 Ultimate Gohan - 6,000 Buuhan - 10,000 Vegetto - 10,000...
  7. H

    SSJ3 multiplier anime wise

    SSJ2 multiplier anime wise must be super high, for reasons I explained recently. How high can anime SSJ3 multiplier be? SSJ3 must be a much greater boost than SSJ2, considering the much more apparent physical changes.
  8. H

    Is it possible Freeza (kicking away Vegeta's blast)=Freeza (warming up vs Goku)?

    I know I'm the one who suggested that Freeza raised his power to his No Hands level to kick away Vegeta's blast, but now it occurred to me that when Piccolo revealed that both Goku and Freeza were still warming up, that was supposed to come across as a surprise to the reader. So is it possible...
  9. H

    Theory: Goku and Vegeta became stronger after Vegetto defused (anime).

    I know no such thing is ever mentioned, but think about it. On Namek, it was never mentioned that the boost Krillin got from Guru kept giving him strength, but it was obvious from his fights that that was the case. Likewise, in the anime, though it's not mentioned, we can assume judging from...
  10. H

    Saiyans Saga: Tenshinhan's Kikoho vs Gohan's Massenko

    I think Tenshinhan's attack is stronger. I don't understand why everyone thinks Gohan's attack is stronger.
  11. H

    Is anyone interested in an anime-based PL list?

    Is anyone willing to help me in that effort? Or are you interested only in trying to figure out manga PLs? I think the anime deserves a PL list too, since it was what we grew up with.
  12. H

    Is it possible the SSJ2 multiplier anime-wise is 10x?

    The post below talks only about the anime. If you think it's not worth trying to make sense of the anime filler, there's no need to reply to this thread. Now let's analyze the gaps step by step. -Anime Gohan (pre-injury) has two SSJ2 levels: the one he fought Pre-FP Cell with in the filler...
  13. H

    Hector's Saiyan Saga PLs

    What do you think? PART 1 Chaozu: 600 -self-destruct: 2,400 Yadjirobe: 900 Saibaimen: 1,200 Yamcha: 1,250 Krillin: 1,400 Tenshinhan: 1,500 -tri-beam: 3,375 Piccolo: 2,000 Gohan: 1,400 -enraged: 2,100 -demon flash: 2,800 Nappa -initial (Z-fighters): 3,500 -powered up (Goku): 6,000 -full...
  14. H

    My attempt to make an anime PL list

    You all make lists based on the manga, but actually it's the anime that introduced us into Dragon Ball. It's the anime we grew up with. I think it deserves a PL approach too instead of disregarding everything in it as filler. So I'll try to make an anime-based list myself. Instead of just...
  15. H

    Where does Base Gohan (Androids Saga) stand?

    On the one hand, it's implied that Base Goku/Vegeta>Weighted Piccolo~Gohan+Krillin+Tien (or was it just Gohan+Tien? Remind me). On the other hand, Goku said once Gohan transformed, he'd be a good sparring partner, which implied Base Goku~Base Gohan.

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.