Some people say that even after absorbing Goku's energy, Nineteen was still weaker than Dr Gero, otherwise it'd make no sense for Gero to still be able to order him. Do you agree?
Future Trunks said Future Androids are weaker than Present Androids. However, during his fight against them in the TV Special, they took a huge blast from him without a scratch. That implies a huge gap, so obviously the Androids had been toying with him until then. On the other hand, since...
In the anime filler, King Kai implies Future Trunks is only a little stronger than Goku. However, Trunks still claims he can beat Mecha Freeza in seconds even at full power, although Goku had to struggle against 100% Freeza. How do we explain this if we want to include anime filler?
1. Goku...
SSJ Goku - 100
SSJ2 Goku - 400
SSJ3 Goku - 4,000
Base Gotenks pre - 500
SSJ Gotenks pre - 1,000
Base Gotenks post - 1,250
SSJ Gotenks post - 2,500
SSJ3 Gotenks - 5,000
Super Buu - 4,500
Ultimate Gohan - 6,000
The thought that I'll never be able to have superhuman strength and speed, fly, fire blasts from my hands, conquer planets, depresses me. Am I mentally ill?
Was it after their fight on Earth? In an anime filler scene, as he was heading to Freeza's planet, he had a nightmare remembering Goku beating him up with 3fold-4fold kaioken.
In the manga, on the other hand, he seemed to have gotten over that and referred to all the earthlings collectively as...
Freeza was introduced as a being with 530,000 units of power. Obviously nobody should be ready to face him at the point the fight against him started. Instead of magically increasing everybody's power, AT should have delayed the fight somehow and make the group's powers increase in a more...
Is it possible in the first part of the Saiyans' Saga AT imagined him like a fighter at around 1,000-1,050 units of power and later (when Nappa stated his PL to be 1,200), without giving it much thought, gave him a power level just slightly below Enraged Gohan?