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    DBZ Balenciaga

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    What is Raditz's power level?

    Yaay, I love candies.
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    Weighted Piccolo vs Base Saiyans in the Androids Saga

    WEIGHTED PICCOLO < BASE ADULT SAIYANS Dr Gero said things would get interesting with Vegeta around, which implied Base Vegeta ~ Base Goku > Weighted Piccolo WEIGHTED PICCOLO > BASE ADULT SAIYANS Dr Gero implied the energy he'd get from Base Gohan and Tenshinhan was about the same energy he'd...
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    Hector's PLs, anime filler included -- Part 1: Freeza Saga

    KING KAI'S PLANET Recoome: 40 thousand Jeice: 40 thousand Burter: 40 thousand Guldo: 7 thousand Tenshinhan: 80 thousand Yamcha: 50 thousand Chaozu: 10 thousand FREEZA'S REVENGE (PART 1) Freeza's 1st form: 530 thousand Vegeta: 480 thousand Gohan: 320 thousand Krillin: 100 thousand Freeza's 2nd...
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    Anime: Is Grand Kai stronger than Kaioshin?

    Kaioshin is higher in hierarchy, but does that mean he's stronger? Grand Kai outspeeded Base Cell Games Goku (in that race in space), but Kaioshin is implied to be trash compared to Base Buu Saga Goku, who's only a little stronger than seven years ago, excluding new forms.
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    Which ones of these (if any) do you think trained?

    And if so, did they train just enough to maintain their power level, or did they increase their power? 1. Krillin from his revival to Mecha Freeza Saga. 2. Yamcha (on King Kai's planet) from the end of Freeza Saga to his revival. 3. Yamcha from his revival to Mecha Freeza Saga. 4. Future...
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    Krillin vs Yamcha (Cell Games, anime)

    In the anime, was Krillin still stronger than Yamcha after Freeza Saga? This filler part seems to imply otherwise.
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    Which power did Freeza use to kick away Vegeta's blast?

    Yaay, I love candies.
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    Does Dai Kai>South Kai make more sense, at least in the anime?

    In the anime-filler flashback, Dai Kai held his own against Buff Buu for a while. Also, supposing the absorptions are just additions/substratcions of power unless stated otherwise, considering the power Buu lost when he absorbed Dai Kai was more than the power he gained by absorbing South Kai...
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    Do you think this quote implies AT originally intended to give Cell's character more depth?

    At some point (when Semi Cell was chasing Eighteen), Sixteen wonders, "Why is Cell so obsessed with becoming perfect? He's already the strongest being in the universe. Is he just seeking the ultimate power?" Do you think that quote was intended to set up some more complex hidden motive behind...
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    Which gap is bigger? (Cell Games)

    Yaay, I love candies.
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    Another thing I thought about the Cell's "true-speed" power-up theory.

    If Cell increased his level to something like 1.25x-1.5x above Goku, why did he expect that Goku would still be willing to eat a senzu and fight him after that? If anything, he should expect Goku to have lost all hope, so a more reasonable statement would be something like, "Do you now see how...
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    Is it possible that the SSJ forms were useless at EOZ?

    In continuation to PLG's points about EOZ Base Saiyans >= Mister Buu, and without taking Dragon Ball Super into consideration... Is it possible that at the end of the series the Saiyans had found a way of relegating the power of their SSJ forms, at least partly, to their base? Maybe when Goku...
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    Is Cell's "true speed" power up a misconception?

    Recently, Saiyaman brought up points that troubled me. Why would Cell power up briefly to the extent of one shotting an opponent hugely stronger than Goku only to be eager to fight the small fry (Goku) again? I decided to analyze the statements more carefully. 1. When Cell powered up against...
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    Saiyans' hierarchy

    Do you agree? -Low-class Saiyans: Less than 2,500 units of power -Middle-class Saiyans: 2,500-5,000 -High-class Saiyans: 5,000-7,500 -Elite Saiyans (nobility): 7,500-10,000 -Super elite Sayans (royalty): Over 10,000
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    Would you have spared any of them if you were Goku?

    -Nappa -Recoome -Burter -Jeice -Ginyu -Freeza
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    How about we treat Jeice's statement about Vegeta's power being 20,000 units as correct?

    And ignore all the previous statements that contradict it? The power level list could be something like... Saiyans' Saga Goku (full power): 5,000 -kaioken 2x: 10,000 -kaioken 3x: 15,000 Saiyans' Saga Vegeta: 12,000 Vegeta (post Earth): 15,000 Dodoria: 13,500 Zarbon: 13,500 Monster Zarbon...

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.