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  1. Animelover5487

    You vs Farmer

    Restrictions: The Farmer can't use his shotgun, you can't use any weapons as well Can you beat this old fatass?
  2. Animelover5487

    The Scientifically Perfect Power Level List (Including Daima but not Super and GT)

    Reference SSJ Namek Goku = 150 100% Freeza = 140 The Future Future Android #17 (Less than half) = 200 - Full Power = 500 Future Android #18 = 480 SSJ Future Gohan = 180 - Post 1 Year = 225 Android arc SSJ Goku = 300 SSJ Future Trunks = 240 Mecha Freeza = 160 King Cold = 100...
  3. Animelover5487

    Which is a bigger multiplier SSJ2 or Daima SSJ4?

    Which multiplier would you say is larger SSJ2 over SSJ1 or SSJ4 over SSJ3 in Daima?
  4. Animelover5487

    Daima SSJ4 Goku vs Boohan

    Who wins?
  5. Animelover5487

    Future Gohan and Future Trunks vs #19 and #20

    The half Saiyan duo knows that 19 and 20 can absorb ki through their palms. Who wins?
  6. Animelover5487

    My Power Levels So Far

    CG 50% MSSJ Goku = 0.75 CG Piccolo = 0.8 Boo arc Piccolo = 1 Boo arc SSJ Goten = 1.15 Boo arc SSJ Trunks = 1.2 CG SSJ Future Trunks = 1.2 CG SSJ Vegeta = 1.2 Cell Jr's. = 1.2 CG MSSJ Goku = 1.5 Shin = 1.5 Degesu = 1.5 Dr. Arinsu = 1.5 Cell (vs Goku) = 1.6 Glorio...
  7. Animelover5487

    Who does Glorio scale to?

    He is obviously way stronger than Adult Shin as Goku said he is stronger than he thought even before he used magic and Goku earlier said that he was probably stronger than Shin. Glorio and all the current villains seem to be weaker than Pre Majin Dabura and his father though. Base Kid Goku is...
  8. Animelover5487

    Ranfan vs Videl

    Who wins?
  9. Animelover5487

    DBS (Manga) Power Levels Up to the ToP arc

    Reference Pure Boo = 40 SSJ3 Goku (Boo arc) = 40 Super Boo = 225 - Bootenks = 450 - Boohan = 600 Base Vegetto (Boo arc) = 600 - SSJ = 1,500 - Unseen SSJ2 = 3,000 - Unseen SSJ3 = 6,000 Beerus arc Base Goku = 1 - SSJ = 50 - SSJ2 = 100 - SSJ3 = 400 Ultimate Gohan = 375 SSJ3...
  10. Animelover5487

    LSSJ Kale vs #17

    Manga scaling, who wins?
  11. Animelover5487

    Turles (Pre Fruit) vs Vegeta (Zarbon Zenkai)

    Who wins?
  12. Animelover5487

    If Farmer is at 5, then what should BODB Goku be at?

    I am about to start a new list but not sure exactly where to put Goku st, since 5 is the confirmed average level of a human and it makes sense to me since 1 would be probably a baby and baby Goku had a power level of 2. I know 10 can't work due to Goku oneshotting a giant bear with a sword, I...
  13. Animelover5487

    Videl vs Kid Chi-Chi

    Chi-Chi's helmet is restricted. Who wins?
  14. Animelover5487

    BoDB Oozaru Goku vs Gohan Sr

    Who wins?
  15. Animelover5487

    Does Mecha Freeza still have the stamina drain?

    And can be beat Namek SSJ Goku in a fight?
  16. Animelover5487

    Why didn't Roshi use UI against Daimao or other villains?

    Seems like a plot hole why he never used it.
  17. Animelover5487

    What if Nail went with Team Three Star to fight the Ginyu Force?

    What if Nail went with the three star trio to fight the Ginyus?
  18. Animelover5487

    SSJ Gohan (First Time) vs Android #19 & 20

    Gohan went he first turns into a super saiyan vs 19 & 20. Who wins?
  19. Animelover5487

    What if Nam became a student of Master Roshi after the 21st?

    What if Nam joined the Turtle Hermit school after the 21st? How strong would he had got, and how would the story change?
  20. Animelover5487

    Tao vs Chappa

    Match of the reputation wankers. Who wins?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.