Having just watched the Path to Power movie, I am curious where you guys put everyone...here is my analysis:
- Goku starts out with much of the same feats as his Hunt for the Dragonballs arc counterpart. Surviving bullets with minimum damage, destroying a big rock with a finger, etc
- Goku...
I am trying to figure out what numbers exactly to put everyone at after reading the chapters. I figure I would start with a power chain and start off with the low tier characters and work my way up.
Does this look good so far?
Base Goku/Vegeta (Post 2 Months) >>> Yuzen (Monster Form) >>>> SSJ...
Goku and Vegeta find 17 and convince him to go to the Future with them to make up for all the destruction and death his future counterpart did in Trunks timeline.
Would 17,'s help be enough to defeat Black, Zamasu and possibly Merged Zamasu?
If Freeza hadn't trained at all his whole life how come he could harness ki and use specialized ki techniques? The guy even made an advanced version of Kuririn's Kienzan just by seeing it once. Someone who hasn't trained at all in their life can't do that.
This is a question I always wondered about. Furthermore, why did he give himself the energy absorbing design vs the infinite ki that 16, 17 and 18 had? Sure he can absorb attacks and get stronger but that's far less useful than having infinite stamina, especially since Gero needed his hands to...
What if Boo passed the written test and went onto fight the U6 team?
1. Botamo
2. Frost (1st Form, 3rd Form, Final Form)
3. Magetta
4. Base/SSJ Cabba
5. Hit
Where would you guys say Boo scales to these guys power-wise and would he be able to defeat any of them?
I just rewatched it today for the first time since it came out and it's not as bad as I remembered it being. I kind of like the concept, especially how Goku interacted with the students at his school (that is why I liked the filler in the early Boo arc where we got to watch Gohan attend school)...
Hunt for the Dragonballs arc
21st TenkaichiBudokai
Red Ribbon Army arc
Uranai Baba arc
22nd TenkaichiBudokai
Piccolo Daimao's Original Reign (Flashback)
Piccolo Daimao arc
23rd Tenkaichi Budokai
Happy belated Thanksgiving!!