Or is Yajirobe one of the biggest sources of wasted potential in the franchise?:
This guy was introduced with a battle power rivaling Post-22nd TB Goku with no real martial arts training, at that. He didn't receive teachings at exclusive martial arts schools under renowned masters like the...
Then what power level would you put these guys at?:
SSJB Goku: 1
SSJB Vegeta: ?
TG Freeza: ?
#17: ?
Ultimate Gohan: ?
SSJB Goku (Kaioken x20):?
BSSJB Vegeta: ?
UI Goku (episode 110): ?
UI Goku (vs Kefla): ?
MUI Goku: ?
Base Kefla: ?
LSSJ Kefla: ?
LSSJ2 Kefla: ?
Kochiarator: ...