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  1. Fantastische Hure

    is slam-dunk more popular than dragonball? (if u can & want to answer)

    or at-least maybe rivals dragonball as manga? maybe not in sales (as a franchise), but recognizability & ppl liking it. source...
  2. Fantastische Hure

    is prime Akira Toriyama greatest of all-time? (if u can & want to answe)

    as in greatest of all-time in history of ever?
  3. Fantastische Hure


    when i google'd "why was pikachu chosen as the mascot?" or some-thing i think i found-out that clefairy was initially supposed to be mascot of pokemon i think. :elmo :elmo :elmo
  4. Fantastische Hure

    why did lizardon/charizard stop liking satoshi/ash?

    i think i heard that had something to do with the game-mechanics & even in-universe i think that was explained as lizardo/lizardon being too high for him but i don't knw abt that explanation. if there's another reason why do u think he stopped liking ash? (if u can & want to)
  5. Fantastische Hure

    which are ash's 5 highest pokemon?

    lizardon (charizard) kabigon (snorlax) jukain (sceptile) &??? i think i think if any1 can & wants to.
  6. Fantastische Hure

    when eiichiro oda praised the tv-series

    "Did you see the One Piece anime!? Isn't it a phenomenal piece of work!! The second episode is a ways off but while we're waiting let's watch the encore broadcast on the 13th and relive the excitement" - November 1, 1999 "I cried watching the One Piece anime's version of the Belle-mère story...
  7. Fantastische Hure

    what happened to...

    over-weight pikachu? that pikachu was the kewlest why did they change?
  8. Fantastische Hure

    one-piece ost kind-of seemingly (to me) under-rated i think i had to go back a-bit to find some of the 1s i posted before, because it's obvsly been some-time since i've seen the series i think. some of the most iconic & gr9 sound-tracks of all-time (to me i think): i mainly mean up-to 01:56 i think...
  9. Fantastische Hure

    do u think...?

    i think i had seen this point raised before some-where-else & i think i think that's interesting, do u think wsj's strictness and way of choosing which series can stay in the magazine make that harder to create good series, if u can & want to answer??? for example as was specifically pointed-out...
  10. Fantastische Hure

    can some1 translate something?

    can they plz?
  11. Fantastische Hure

    how rare do you think was exodia in-universe?

    in the manga, if any1 can & wants to answer.
  12. Fantastische Hure

    i think moon-light-sonata re-make...

    for 1000th episode celebration for detective-conan i think. :king :king :king 1 of the best stories from the early series i think i think. :nice :nice :nice
  13. Fantastische Hure

    which deck is most playable in the game?

    as the game & cards created by konami/author? if u can & want to say. i'd say yugi's deck from battle-city is too hard to play i think because berfomet & jack's knight are 5 stars in the game for some reason as opposed to 4 stars like in the original i think i think. i think yugi might have too...
  14. Fantastische Hure

    yu-gi-oh! is the highest-selling...

    manga/anime based video-game in japan (duel-monsters iv) i think & is the highest-selling game-boy-colour exclusive game of all-time in japan i think. random, but kewl.
  15. Fantastische Hure

    how do u like yu-gi-oh!'s ost?

    i mean the ost from the original for duel-monsters. i like a-lot of the music, but a few i also don't rly care abt. plz answer if u can & want to.
  16. Fantastische Hure

    pegasus is only...

    24 i found this out some-time-ago :omg :omg :omg
  17. Fantastische Hure

    ushio vs hirutani & gang

    from the early yu-gi-oh! manga who wins? scenario 2 - maybe add kaiba too, unless him fighting the ppl in duelist-kingdom was filler if any1 wants to answer, if they can & want to
  18. Fantastische Hure

    fav. summoning scenes?

    wot are u gais fav. summoning scenes, if u can & want to say? my fav. scenes right-now i'd say are: gilford the lightning blue-eyes ultimate-dragon (1st time) blue-eyes white-dragon (vs Ishizu) from 07:48: black-magician-girl against pandora might also be there but i can't remember
  19. Fantastische Hure

    how did pegasus duel with yugi?

    when they 1st duelled through tv how was pegasus able to? the vhs tape was pre-recorded supposedly i think. pegasus was able to talk to yugi as if he talked straight to him, like they were on skype i think. pegasus can read ppl's thoughts (i think) but he can't see to the future. how was he able...
  20. Fantastische Hure

    why did jounouchi not...

    play copy-cat in battle-city anymore (iirc)? that was 1 of the cards that could have done a-lot for him. he still tried to play giltia d. knight tho. :king :king :king if any-1 can or wants to answer

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