^I figured I might just as-well post them all. Aside from the TV-Specials because too OP for me. This is not my doing. All credit goes to the video from YouTube. I did the usual you...
It's clear the Meng is out of ideas and in desparate need for money, instead of disgracing his so-called magnum-opus any further. Let's gather the money to support the meng. Even 1 penny can make a difference.
Let's also show him that we care, since he's so attention-seeking nowadays. He's...
This is purely going-off of the series' popularity in its home-country (so not regarding quality). So Japan only. I'd say I base the list on a couple of things:
Staying power
And perhaps as a franchise as a whole but that's only secondary since this is mainly...
Digimon Tamers
Digimon Frontiers
Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure 02
I didn't watch Digimon Savers or the other new one (with what I saw though I think that's a good thing). This is all going off memory. Digimon Frontiers might also be above Digimon Tamers or on-par. I really liked that...
What if? The movie was originally written by someone-else (forgot his name) and had some weird evil infection thing going-on, like Garlic Jr. or something. They handed the script over to AT to give his consent or change anything and he basically rewrote the whole movie from scratch it seemed...
...wasn't as bone-headed to attack Gohan and Kuririn like an idiot and instead just watched Goku vs Vegeta (well at-least definitely until KKx3 owned Vegeta)? Would he transform into an Oozaru as-well when Vegeta creates the artificial-moon or would Vegeta kill him before anyway?
What happens?
1) third form
2) second form
3) first form
4) trash-can
5) true form
1) first stage
2) zenkai
3) second stage
4) perfect form
1) super-boo
2) pure-evil
3) majin/good
4) pure
:dawae :dawae :dawae
In the anime Freeza was able to compress Sidara's ball and turn it to Goku who couldn't break-out of it. Although maybe we aren't talking about the anime in this thread. :mikey :mikey :mikey
Who wins?
And the ending for that matter?
The entire opening and ending are focused completely on Gohan. It's as if to say now DragonBall is the Gohan show. Obviously seemed like it at the time but then once Gohan got defeated by Boo I think that went-out of the window and Gohan stopped being the...
What are some of the best filler? We know most of it was bad, but what's some of the good stuff? This is excluding obviously perhaps changing some things from the manga or adding certain things since that doesn't really count as filler.
I can name two:
This made Freeza look legitimately scary...