I know that even if he does have a transformation he'd probably still be lower than Freeza but for the purpose of this thread plz do not take that into consideration.
Let's say King Cold gets the same power-up Freeza does from 2nd form to 100%.
Who wins?
Lost to Goku on Namek
Lost to Trunks at the beginning of the Cell-Saga
Lost to Paikuhan in the Other-World filler
Lost to Gohan in Movie 12
Lost to Goku in DragonBall GT again
Lost to Goku in Fukkatsu no F again
Lost to Toppo in Tournament of Power
Lost to Broly in DragonBall Super: Broly...
Gaps are nonsense logic aside.
Goku - 6
Bills - 10
Whis - 15
According to AT about Battle of Gods.
Yet Goku was using 80% IIRC and Bills was using 70%, how does that add-up? Goku wasn't losing hard.
Something about even if Goku comes in time he might not be able to do anything anymore about 3rd form Freeza. He might have been worst case scenario been thinking Kaio-Ken x20 so...?
Goku's level in his fight against Freeza was 150,000.
Kaio-Ken x10 = 1,500,000
Kaio-Ken x20 = 3,000,000
Super-Saiya-Jin - 7,500,000
This is why Freeza said Goku was higher than Captain-Ginyu. How did we miss the obvious? :mikey :mikey :mikey
Has he/she?
From the ones I know, I'd think most logically it'd be Shanks but in-terms of really evil adversary maybe Blackbeard.
I don't know.
Also CC's challenge is done.
...was that the original was Japanese in everything. They wore Kimonos (I think I saw that), ate rice-balls, references & other things that wouldn't be in a western cartoon. Once it became an international success though they started making it more like a western cartoon with barely anything to...
I was just looking to see how and whether Trunks' return effected DB-Super and that sure did. Please look at the increase in ratings.
From 5.9 to 8.4. WOW!!!
Everyone wanted to see him return (including me). Also helps that this was promoted like that was the first serious arc in the series...
Round #1 - Super #17 vs SSJ Vegetto
Round #2 - Super #17 (after defeating Gohan & Vegeta & the others but before fighting Goku) vs SSJ Vegetto
Round #3 - Super #17 (post-KHH absorption) vs SSJ2 Vegetto
EDIT: Absorption is not allowed
I saw this some-time ago (like at-least a few months ago). I was looking whether Spider's Thread (Kumo no Ito) was ever an anime or a story based on it and I came across this series. This is called Aoi Bungaku. It's a series where a few classic Japanese short-stories get animated. Some stories...
Based on their catologue or what-directing style or art-style or faith-fullness to manga if it's an adapatation or what-ever you want to decide that by.