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  1. Warmmedown

    Is Goku a prick now?

    I was reading that Goku is letting Freeza rebuild his empire? Wtf? I'm changing who I root for in those Superman vs Goku fights now.
  2. Warmmedown

    Do you think there'll ever be great, AAA-level home console anime games? What conditions need to be present?

    Not counting franchises that started as games and then had animes like the greatest game series of all time or Pokémon. So far I don't think there have been any great home console games based on anime. I mean the kind of game that gets 85+, even 90+ on Metacritic and takes the gaming world by...
  3. Warmmedown

    How long could Goku fight at each % for/how quickly would his power level reduce at each percentage?

    How long could Goku fight at 100% Base or 100% MSSJ for? 90% 80% 70% 60% 40% 20% Basically what's the relationship between his power output and how much faster he'll get tired? Goku got tired vs Cell, right? Was that from using too much ki power, like what happened to Freeza? Or something...
  4. Warmmedown

    Big Ten of Ben 10 transformations

    Most of you will already know about the many Bigs. Big 3 shounen 2000s (OP, Bleach, Naruto) Big 5 seinen (Gantz, Berserk, Freesia, Stepmother's Friends, Space Bros) Big 3 shounen 2012 (One Piece, Naruto, Toriko) Big 3 shounen 2013 (One Piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail) Big 3 shounen 2016 (One Piece...
  5. Warmmedown

    Zaacro runs the gauntlet

    Suno Purple Launch Gohan's tutor Chapter 1 Bulma Farmer w/out shotgun, with pitchfork Ch 1 Goku First appearance Yamcha 21st Budokai Krillin 21 Budokai Goku Chairman Tao 22nd Budokai Goku Old King Piccolo Goku post-Kami 23rd Budokai Piccolo Jr Raditz Appule and Dende Tarble and Gure Ginyu Force...
  6. Warmmedown

    Did anyone like the Fake Namek arc?

    Fuck it, I finally mustered up the courage to admit it: I loved Fake Namek. It was a genius addition that elevated DBZ from a simple action shounen to a unique genre-melding work that pushed the boundaries of fiction (for that era, obviously) and lay the groundwork for future legendary martial...
  7. Warmmedown

    Rank these potential crew members

    1. Paulie 🧑‍🔧 2. Kaku 🦒 3. Gin 🍸 (Don Krieg guy) 4. Hachi 🐙(octopus guy) 5. Bartolemeow 😸(barrier) 6. Coby 🛶 7. Adult samurai 🔥 8. Johnny and other guy ⚔️ 9. Wiper 🏞️ 10. Girl on Skypeia 🔭 11. Guy with green afro 🌳 12. Carrot 🤸‍♀️
  8. Warmmedown

    Rank these Zoro moments

    1. Thriller Bark vs Kuma 2. Attacking celestial dragon 3. Almost cuts legs off to escape Mr 3's candle wax 4. Stuck in a chimney/escape 5. Falling down hill in Kuro Arc 6. Nothing happened 7. Freaking out Arlong 8. Sea train thing
  9. Warmmedown

    Rank these Luffy moments

    1. Going against three admirals at Marineford (music was great btw) 2. Punching celestial dragon 3. Punching Arlong 4. Punching Bellamy
  10. Warmmedown

    Which characters would have tried to tank Final Flash, out of those that are in Cell's DNA?

    Vegeta goads Cell into not dodging the Final Flash by calling Cell a coward and insinuating that even his perfect form can't handle such a powerful attack. He understood that Cell has a lot of pride, I guess just from interacting with him and maybe from knowing that Cell has the DNA of a bunch...
  11. Warmmedown

    Is Mai a paedo?

    She's like 40-50yo, but going out with kid trunks? Already made this topic, not 100% sure why it was removed.
  12. Warmmedown

    Change title? Elite

    Is the title below the avatar changeable?
  13. Warmmedown

    One Piece Odyssey video game (PS4/5, Windows, Xbox X/S) - Jan 2023

    It's a turn-based party rpg, without random encounters. You can explore the game as any of the nine main Strawhats. Looks like it might be legit. Trailer:
  14. Warmmedown

    Has Dragon Ball Z aged better than the major series it inspired and will this continue going forwards?

    A long time ago I thought that shows like Naruto, Blue Exorcist, Bleach and One Piece were better than DBZ, due to having more variety and complexity to their characters, plus a more intricate plot, but as time has gone on it seems that those shows were victims of their own ambition, and this is...
  15. Warmmedown

    Chainsaw Man trailer

    Looks blockbuster
  16. Warmmedown

    Pan from GT vs initial SSJ Kami Goku from the movie

    who wins
  17. Warmmedown

    WHy is Piccolo called Piccolo instrument

    1. Piccolo the instrument was only invented in 1832. But Piccolo Daimao was about 300 years old. 2. Did he enjoy orchestral music, including piano, woodwind and percussion, and thus name himself and his family after instruments? But Piccolo Jr hates whistling! Or does Jr hate whistling because...
  18. Warmmedown

    If King Kai showed Puar a picture of Freeza, how would Vegeta react?

    If King Kai showed Puar Freeza and then Puar turned into Freeza and they used the dragon balls to make the scouters show a PL of 1 million or something, do you think Vegeta (and Nappa) would've ran away?
  19. Warmmedown

    How does IT work? Potential horror spinoff

    Does it find the ki and then teleport to the location near the ki? Or actually to the ki? What happens if that person ITs to somewhere else at the same time? Does Person 1 follow them? Or do they just teleport to the same place they were going to teleport to if Person 2 didn't IT away? And...

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I am going to soon depart this world (most likely not because I don’t have the guts), so please for my legacy to continue…
Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.