...I legit thought that was Movie 9 SSJ2 Gohan before I looked closer and realised it's just SSJ2 Goku.
Still sometimes happens when I forget and see the cover again. :mikey :mikey :mikey
Weird. :sure :sure :sure
Young Gohan is the only character from the original DragonBall that still gets brought-up in DB-Super as a way of showing how high some-one is. Trunks in the anime when he met Gohan again he said he wasn't as good as he was years ago. Goku complimented Trunks and said he might even be higher...
Including fusion incarnations we've seen. Only at their peak. Manga version, including the new Broly movie. Not including SSJ2 Gohan obviously.
1) Gogeta
2) Broly
3) Vegetto
4) Goku
5) Jiren
6) Vegeta
7) Gohan
8) Kefla
9) Toppo
10) Hit
I haven't bought any of the XV2 DLC in ages and was shocked last time at how even recently they were still selling DLCs for that game. Is XV3 ever coming-out or can't the developers be bothered (or maybe they think the engine is as perfected as can be so now they just add recent characters)?
When he wore Piccolo's clothes he defeated Cell & managed to take-out Kefla (well technically a draw I guess but he did what he set-out to do) and was also the one to deal the final blow to Vegeta that sent him crawling-back to the rejuvenation-chamber.
The one time he wore Goku's clothes...
OK. I felt the need to do this.
For the longest time now I've seen people talk about how Nappa saying they should create a new army of Saiyans with the women of earth somehow meant he was going to stoop as low and do something disguisting as forcing them to make babies with him. This is NOT...
When Goku-Black after one of his random power-ups, maybe when he becomes SSJ-Rose, says something to the effect of "Even I don't know what's happening." That perfectly summed-up the writers.
Something made me think of this. I think this is interesting. Whis needs his staff to even really rewind time or go through the galaxy (at-least at a some-what fast pace). Will there eventually be a character powerful enough to jump time-lines/universes without any effort...
...when Cell said this is what he meant by being the ultimate (or perfect) warrior does that mean Dr. Gero never once thought that his perfect form was or would be his full-power and the fact that he could still get higher via Zenkais and such was what made him so perfect? So his perfect form...
In the old DragonBall Z anime there were moments when a character could really show their speed.
Goku appearing in-front of Freeza.
Gohan taking the senzu-beans from Cell and then appearing before a Cell Jr.
Like that.
DragonBall Super has none of that.