Has Beerus been wanked back-up a bit further, since it's been revealed that Goku can still get higher and that was indeed not the full potential-power of UI?
Who wins?
...without any any filler/padding at-all. How long would that be? I'm also talking about no next episode hype or having to end on a cliff-hanger. Just animate without any of that in mind.
Before DragonBall Super facked everything up, we had a vague idea of how powerful Goku got. He was prepared to fight on-par with Kid-Boo level person in his regular state and also told Goten fighting Good Boo'd be no problem if he kept-up his training. And there might be more too.
Who can he...
We know Yamcha is the most skilled. You know the drill.
Yamcha - 100
Goku -
Vegeta -
Gohan -
Piccolo -
Beerus -
Kuririn -
Tenshinhan -
Beerus -
Champa -
Cabba -
Magetta -
Botamo -
...for the Alabasta Saga. I really like that. The Straw-Hats face-to-face with each of their Baroque-Works opponents side-by-side (kind-of, since you know Robin is on that too but that doesn't really make sense).
Kind-of has a feel of an old-school wild-west shoot-out, l0l.
Damn! AT dodging them taxes faster than DragonBall Super plot-holes.