Search results

  1. Warmmedown

    What would Piccolo's job be?

    So far we've seen: Tenshinhan/Chauzou - martial arts teacher Goku - Farmeru Gohan - Some scholar Yamcha - Baseball player Krillin - Police Officer Some - like Vegeta - don't need one, but what would be the jobs of Piccolo, Yajirobe, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Main timeline Trunks, Goten or any of...
  2. Warmmedown

    Should Pokemon experiment with different settings in future gens?

    Sword/Shield being set in bootleg United Kingdom got me thinking they could do: - A game set 500 years ago (base different towns off different regions or one game per region) - One set in a futuristic world like 500 years from now - One in Outer Space maybe flying to different planets. Would...
  3. Warmmedown

    Anyone read One Piece Novel A?

    The 2 volume manga about tragic boy Ace?
  4. Warmmedown

    Favourite battle outfit from DB/Z/GT/Super/Movies

    What's your favourite: 1. As a viewer 2. If you were to wear it yourself in the real world Best looking maybe Mai in Super? Chichi in 23rd and 18's blue waistcoat are pretty decent too. Best male one I suppose is Future Trunks. Cell Games Gohan with the cape is ok. Future Trunks in Super...
  5. Warmmedown

    Most and least replaceable SH?

    Which SHs would be hardest and easiest to replace, with respect to their practical function in the crew? Let's assume they leave the crew either at the timeskip or right now (Kaido arc or later). I think hardest for now would be Franky. Other shipwrights could fix the ship, but the escape...
  6. Warmmedown

    Best replacement for each crew member, from those the SHs have so far met (non-Yonkou)

    Title. Which characters do you think would be the best and/or likely replacement for each SH? Zoro - Kinemon or Kaku Franky - Paulie Usopp - Wiper I guess
  7. Warmmedown

    Which of the current Strawhats couldn't defeat Enies Lobby Lucci?

    Anyone? Their fight can take place in any arc and setting seen so far.
  8. Warmmedown

    Tony Tiger vs Lucky Charms guy

    Who gets lucky? Who stays frosty? Who ends up soggy?
  9. Warmmedown

    What did you hope for from Super, back when it was announced in 2015?

    When they introduced multiple universes in Battle of the Gods, I was hoping to see Goku and Vegeta embark on adventures similar to the pre-Z days, with more focus on exploration and characters.
  10. Warmmedown

    Pikkon vs Dabura

  11. Warmmedown

    Mr 1 vs Luffy (Arabasta)

    Do you think Luffy would beat Mr 1?
  12. Warmmedown

    Spring cleaning bronx adorable.

    Only thing I wanna hear about the Bronx or any area near it is Nimbus or maybe Weskur/Navonwise
  13. Warmmedown

    Realism vs enjoyment

    Assuming the majority of the story is otherwise realistic: would you rather read or watch a series that maintains realism to the point of being depressing or have the series sacrifice some realism or choose a happy (but perhaps less probable in the real world) realistic event over sad or tragic...
  14. Warmmedown

    Goku vs Vegeta end of Namek

    No kaioken, no SSJ, both fresh, no zenkai from dying (if anyone believes in that)
  15. Warmmedown

    Which DBZ character has the most forms?

    Zygote Freeza Fetus Frieza Baby Frieza Kid Frieza Teen Frieza 1st form Frieza 2nd form Frieza - Fused with Krillin...... 3rd form Frieza True form Frieza - Initial True Form/2% Frieza - 50% Frieza - 70% Frieza - 100% Frieza Mecha Frieza Future Mecha Frieza Future Zygote Freeza Future Fetus...
  16. Warmmedown

    What anime is this?

  17. Warmmedown

    I just realised

    That Goku wasn't hungry when he fought Yajirobe. In fact, Yajirobe was the hungry one if anyone.
  18. Warmmedown

    What do you get in this Son Goku quiz?

    I got 36/40 or 90%
  19. Warmmedown

    Thoughts on Berserk 2016 or whatever

    IGNORING THE ANIMATION QUALITY How do you feel about the Berserk 2016 or whatever year it was?

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