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  1. Let's Go Fearless!

    Was Gohan SSjin2 against Fat Boo?

    Seems like he wasn't. :idk
  2. Let's Go Fearless!

    Gohan's peak?

    I think its Ultimate Gohan, what about you? :idk
  3. Let's Go Fearless!

    A potentially new mod?

    I think this is the safe place to talk about it. Now that @Southern Gothic is retired by the Undertaker, who do you think can be a potentially new mod? :idk
  4. Let's Go Fearless!

    How strong would SSjin3 Gotenks would be?

    Would he be stronger than SBV2 at least? :idk
  5. Let's Go Fearless!

    Dragonball Super Ratings.

    Credit goes to Kanzenshuu. Episode 1 - TV 7.9% (4th) - DVR 43.3 (6th) Episode 2 - TV 5.6% (7th) - DVR 83.4 (2nd) Episode 3 - TV 7.0% (5th) - DVR 94.2 (2nd) Episode 4 - TV 6.3% (7th) - DVR 75.8 (3rd) Episode 5 - TV 5.3% (5th) - DVR 65.3 (5th) Episode 6 - TV 5.2% (6th) - DVR 55.5 (6th) Episode 7...
  6. Let's Go Fearless!

    Gohan and Majuub

    Who is stronger between them in 17 and SD Arc? :idk
  7. Let's Go Fearless!

    LSSjin SuperGoku VS Super Perfect Cell.

    So this is CG SuperGoku with Lssjin against Cell. :idk
  8. Let's Go Fearless!

    Did Cell's speed increase after he went full power?

    The anime probably had it but not in the manga so your thoughts? :idk
  9. Let's Go Fearless!

    Which of these fight that you would love to see to happen?

    The one where Piccolo challenged Vegeta into a fight? Or The one where Goku and Vegeta at the tournament on the first round? Or The one where Vegeta challenged Gohan for the tournament. :idk
  10. Let's Go Fearless!

    Why Piccolo forfeited against Kaioshin.

    Piccolo was aware that Kaioshin is a godly being because of Kami's influence and Kaioshin confirmed this. Noticed that how Kaioshin mentioned about his identity, plus Piccolo asked him whether he was a Kaioshin or not which again proves why Piccolo forfeited against him. Just look at his...
  11. Let's Go Fearless!

    Super Kaioken Vegeta VS Kamiccolo

    SSjin Vegeta with Kaioken at the top of it against unweighted Piccolo. Who wins? :idk
  12. Let's Go Fearless!

    Base Vegito VS Buutenks

    Done this before but its still fresh in my mind. Who wins?
  13. Let's Go Fearless!

    Rank And Rate These Movies.

    From Trunks saga to CG saga timeline. M5: Cooler revenge M6: Cooler Returns M7: Super 13 M8: Broly M9: Bojack Unbound; and TV Special: Trunks's History Here goes mine!!! 1. TH: 7.5/10 2. M9: 6/10 3. M6: 5/10 4. M8: 4/10 5. M5: 2/10 6. M7: 1/10
  14. Let's Go Fearless!

    Why #20 and #19 appeared instead #17 and #18?

    I still don't get it. :idk
  15. Let's Go Fearless!

    100% Freeza?

    Why didn't he used it against SuperGoku when he was losing?
  16. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSjin Goku [Post God] VS SSjin4 Goku [Beyond Limits]

    Either SuperGoku from U6 or Zamasu Arc. Who wins?
  17. Let's Go Fearless!

    Why Present Androids are stronger than the Future Androids?

    Is there an explanation for this?
  18. Let's Go Fearless!

    Vegeta's ego in Cell Arc.

    After reading the entire arc in a day, I noticed just how huge this guy's ego. Just look at these scans where he was overrating himself. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. After Cell kicked his ass, he still won't shut his mouth.
  19. Let's Go Fearless!

    Why Raditz never trained his tail?

    You know, their weakness but Vegeta and Nappa did.

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