I'm new to the early DB and i want to start discussing it. :cage2
If Goku PL is 100 then what about the others from 22nd tournament?
Jackie Chan:
Could it be the reason why TIen doesn't get stronger anymore post CG was because the kihoho shortened his potential?
Despite it didn't mention about potential, does kihoho has something to do with Tien's potential?
What did you guys thought when you watch Android Arc for the first time?
In my opinion, it's bullshit. A machine surpassing Freeza is ridicilous, the only villain worthy of surpassing the Saiyans is Dabura and Cell since they have a reason why they are stronger.
So i went on youtube and found out that Super introduce a character name Zeno who is God of EVerything and Beerus stated that Zeno can destroy the 12 verse if he wants too which is impressive.
My opinion:
I hate when AT create a stronng character but the appearance looks like a...