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  1. Let's Go Fearless!

    Goku [Kaioken] VS Zarbon

    Goku post against Vegeta.
  2. Let's Go Fearless!

    Which arc/saga is the best Goku?

    I think Goku peaked his character and likability in Freeza Arc.
  3. Let's Go Fearless!

    Hokuto No Ken

    What do you think about it?
  4. Let's Go Fearless!

    Was Cell using the same effort against Gohan?

    The effort he used against Goku?
  5. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSJ2 Goku and Kid Gohan VS Fat Boo

    Fat Boo 1st power up, who win?
  6. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSG3 Kid Gohan VS Over Weighted Cell

    Both from CG and no speed loss.
  7. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSG3 Trunks VS 2 Cell jrs.

    Trunks from CG. If he stomp, make it 7 jrs. :sure
  8. Let's Go Fearless!

    Does a normal kaioken eats up a stamina?

    What do you think?
  9. Let's Go Fearless!

    LSSJ Broly VS SS2 Goku/Vegeta/Gohan

    Can Broly take three SSj2 at the same time from Boo Arc? And also this Vegeta is pre Majin.
  10. Let's Go Fearless!

    Was Vegeta haxed in M12?

  11. Let's Go Fearless!

    Can Ultimate Gohan turn into SSJ?

    Your thoughts? :wat
  12. Let's Go Fearless!

    Kamiccolo VS SSJ2 Kid Gohan

    Got ya!!! you guys probably thought this is Gohan from CG lol but its not. Gohan from ANdroid arc with no strain as SSj2. Who wins?
  13. Let's Go Fearless!

    When Goku turned into SSJ3 against Janemba.

    What is that blue stuff anyway?
  14. Let's Go Fearless!

    What do you think about M10?

    I've seen alot of post here on this site that M10 is suck. What is/are the reason?
  15. Let's Go Fearless!

    Question about ''Majin''?

    Do you think its just a potential unlock or potential unlock + additional boost?

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