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  1. Warmmedown

    Prison School jakjak - Anime or Manga?

    This was possibly Jak's favourite manga and although I was kinda repulsed by it in the past, seeing this Made me think maybe I would like it. Has anybody read or watched it? And if so, can you say if I'd be missing anything if I watched the anime? Thanks. Yours sincerely,
  2. Warmmedown

    Fish Fish no mi

    The new magikarp
  3. Warmmedown

    Will Usopp or Luffy get an incurable disease?

    Chopper gotta fulfil his dream of curing every disease, so is that gonna be when Usopp actually gets a disease like the ones he always fibs about or is it going to be when Luffa gets Roger's incurable disease or gets ill from using the gears?
  4. Warmmedown

    Sougo vs Katsura; Gintama

    :toei these two sexy mofos from opposite sides of the legal divide (well, initially....)
  5. Warmmedown

    Snorlax and this man vs Big Mom

  6. Warmmedown

    Will Zoro and Sanji get Conqueror's? Spoilers WCI

    Zoro fucked up Monet just by intimidation. He really is like the new "dark king", since so many of his moves have a demonic quality to them. That itself could transfer into conqueror's haki, but also of course Roger's first mate the "Dark King" Rayleigh had has Conqueror's. That, and of course...
  7. Warmmedown

    Will Usopp get Conqueror's?

    After rewatching Water 7, I personally feel it would make sense for Usopp to get Conqueror's, based on his behaviour. Clearly, when it comes down to it, despite being nowhere near as strong as the monster trio, he has leadership skills and a willingness to put everything on the line to save his...
  8. Warmmedown

    How strong will Nami get?

    How the hell is Nami going to be relevant in any big war? Usopp will be the sharpshoote, but wtf will Nami do once they've sailed their ship? Will she provide weather support somehow? Perhaps they'll fight on the sea and her navigation and ship-captaining (*gasp*, blasphemy) skills will be...
  9. Warmmedown

    How strong is Zoro? Will he be truly tested in Wano? Spoilers for WCI

    So far post-skip Zoro hasn't been tested in terms of strength apart from his skirmish against Fujitora, but even then she was able to break free from the Admiral's power. In comparison, Luffy and Sanji have been pushed to their limits and in Sanji's case he's even been defeated. Oda's kept his...
  10. Warmmedown

    Goku is chopper's lady

    Mind blown
  11. Warmmedown

    Will Thousand Sunny ever match Going Merry?

    P4P Going Merry saved the crew countless times and big time at Enies Lobby. Will the Sunny ever match that feat?
  12. Warmmedown

    Favourite Ditto form?

    What would you say your favourite form that the pokemon "Ditto" can take would be? And what is your reasoning for whatever answer you give as your answer is?
  13. Warmmedown

    Canadian leaf vs American waffle

    What is superior? Would you rather eat just a bowl of pure bowl-shaped waffle or pure maple syrup?
  14. Warmmedown

    Can you imagine if Franky and Zoro swapped hair?

    First imagine just the colours swapping. Then imagine the whole style. Then imagine the style, but keeping original colours. Fuarrrrk
  15. Warmmedown

    Can Robin grow stuff inside bodies?

    Like can she grow an eyeball inside your throat to choke you the fuck to death, bitch? :shc holy shit I just saw that this thing is actually cute asf, wtf Could she grow that thing's ears inside your peeyeball, causing it explode? Guess not, since they're not hers. Could she grow her...
  16. Warmmedown

    Can Robin grow stuff inside bodies?

    Like can she grow an eyeball inside your throat to choke you the fuck to death, bitch? :shc holy shit I just saw that this thing is actually cute asf, wtf Could she grow that thing's ears inside your peeyeball, causing it explode? Guess not, since they're not hers. Could she grow her...
  17. Warmmedown

    Did you like Skypeia?

    Until Marineford, this was always my favourite arc. The sense of mystery behind "mantra", the extent of God/Enel's power, the poneglyphs and history of the island, was only ever matched by the second half of the Water 7 arc, when Cutty Flam's identity and CP9 were revealed. Enel was the closest...
  18. Warmmedown

    Super or Z pacing better?

    Do you guys prefer the pacing in Z or Super more? A lot of people seem to consider the pacing to be Super's strong point over Z, but personally the pacing and resultant lack of build up and tension has been one of the things that's put me off the most. What are your thoughts?
  19. Warmmedown

    is Kaido Don Krieg?

    If not why not
  20. Warmmedown

    Luis Suarez vs Zinedine Zidane

    Does Suarez lose his teeth or does Zidane get eaten alive?

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