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  1. Warmmedown

    Did they ever explain where pokemon came from?

    Did they?
  2. Warmmedown

    Battle of Puccio and Usopp and Kirsten Dunst

    Pinnocio vs Puccio vs Gingerbread Man
  3. Warmmedown

    Ashton Kutcher vs Will Smith 1v1

  4. Warmmedown

    Does Usopp's nose help him to aim?

    Do you think that Usopp's nose is used to help him know which way he is pointing? He can line up the tip of his nose with his catapult (or the other way around, I forgot which is longer) and then line those up with the target. If he looked like this it would not be possible :tapion If he...
  5. Warmmedown

    Don't you think it's weird how Ace didn't give enough of a fuck about his crew and they didn't care either?

    After Ace was captured by WB, his crew was also captured. When Thatch tells Ace that the rest of the Spade Pirates are also on the ship, I find it strange that he doesn't make any effort to get them together and rebel. Imagine if the Strawhats were captured by a yonkou. You think Luffy would...
  6. Warmmedown

    Was Dragon an admiral? Was Dragon from the sky?

    What's up with Dragon's tattoos?
  7. Warmmedown

    Is Dragon Garp's son?

    Do you think that Dragon is actually Garp's son? Garp has never outright stated that he is and as far as I remember Dragon has never called Garp his father. Perhaps Dragon is Garp's son-in-law? What do you think?
  8. Warmmedown

    Upcoming One Piece game: World Seeker

    jKAly6teEK0 I actually can't believe Namco Bandai are finally making an anime game that isn't just a 3rd rate fighter. Looks like it could be phenomenal.
  9. Warmmedown

    Battle Angel Alita Manga getting a movie

    aj8mN_7Apcw Looks legit. Never heard of the manga as far as I remember, but it has really good scores on Baka-MU and MAL. Will probs go and see it. Would be cooler if I knew about it already; could have a full fanspazz over it, like I did for DB Evolution :)
  10. Warmmedown

    Is the Goku Black arc better than the Buu Saga?

    Kyo SSJ2 Doctor Havoc
  11. Warmmedown

    Japanese series

    I watched a few and I have to say they were quite good, even impressive. Rather immersive and intensive. They deliver barrels of excitement and exude technical expertise - overall a great entertainment experience. Dont look down ur nose at them, just becuz ur nose is bigger.
  12. Warmmedown


    Any good? One of the recent most popular animation series I believe
  13. Warmmedown

    Stitch vs The Thing

    Circumstances: The Thing has kidnapped Lilo
  14. Warmmedown

    Taira-san vs big momma

  15. Warmmedown

    Gokus begimning of db pl

    Wat is
  16. Warmmedown

    Machoke vs Hitmonchan

    In a fight. NHB Round 1: both eggs Round 2: both level 100
  17. Warmmedown

    Wtf does Togashi do in his life

    Give him some ritalin plz
  18. Warmmedown

    Berserk and HunterxHunter crossover

  19. Warmmedown

    Oyasumi Punpun: is this useless

    Read several chaps of this some years ago and thought it was some usual melodramatic and disjointed and shallow Japanese fiction (eg- Life, Welcome to the NHK, guy having a wank on a girl-s stuff manga) but was I wrong? Anyone read it and able to give an opinion on it? Was just gonna say "give...
  20. Warmmedown

    Law's fruit Ope ope no mi immortality

    drop that beat I saw someone saying in a comment on one of One Piece's photos something about Law giving immortality. What's this? also I watched ghost rider 2 :cage2 wtf

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