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  1. ahill1

    Vegeta base ( Boo Saga ) Vs East Kaioshin

    Who wins?
  2. ahill1

    Vegeta(vs jheese) Vs Goku(vs Ginyus)

    Who wins? No kaioken.
  3. ahill1

    Dragon Ball Power Levels

    <big>Raditz arc</big> Roshi 139 Chaozu 145 Yamcha 177 Kuririn 206 Tenshinhan 250 Piccolo ( Weighted ) 322 ~ W/o Weights 408 ~ Light Of Death 1,330 Son Goku ( Weighted ) 334 ~ W/o Weights 416 ~ Kamehameha 924 Raditz 1,250 Enma 2,300 Kaio 3,200 <big>Vegeta arc</big> Yajirobe 800...
  4. ahill1

    Freeza(Vs Vegeta) = Freeza(Vs Goku)?

    I mean, the Frieza who defeated Vegeta (post Zenkai) has the same power as Freeza who fought Goku base? Or did he increase his powers? Freeza(embarassing vegeta) >= Goku base, or Goku base > Freeza(embarassing vegeta)?
  5. ahill1

    Goku SSJ ( Yardrat Saga ) vs Android 19 ( initial )

    Goku is aware of 19's absorptions. Who wins?
  6. ahill1

    Piccolo(Android Arc - pre Kami) power

    How powerful is he? Weaker than Freeza? Stronger than Freeza? Stronger than Yardrat Goku?
  7. ahill1

    Chaozu ( 23rd Budokai ) Vs Son Goku ( 22nd Budokai )

    Who wins?
  8. ahill1

    Gohan was a SSJ or SSJ2 against Dabura?

    What do you think?
  9. ahill1

    Pui Pui vs East Kaioshin (no magic)

    Who wins?
  10. ahill1

    What gap is bigger - Vegeta SSJ(Android arc) and Piccolo(And

    Vegeta SSJ(Android arc) and Piccolo(Android arc) or Vegeta SSJ(Cell Games) and Piccolo(Cell Games)?
  11. ahill1

    Dragon Ball Battle Powers *Ignoring scouters*

    <big>Pilaf arc</big> Kuririn 7 Yamcha 9 Son Goku ( hungry ) 8.8 ~W/o tail 9 ~W/tail 10 Gyumao 20 Roshi 30 <big>21st Budokai</big> Orin Temples Bullies 9 Yamcha 12 Giran 16 Kuririn ( initial ) 15 ~Full power 20 Namu 28.5 Son Goku ( W/o tail ) 22 ~W/tail 30 Roshi ( initial ) 20...
  12. ahill1

    Vegeta(saga Mecha Freeza) vs Piccolo(saga Mecha Freeza)

    Who wins?
  13. ahill1

    Cell Games

    Show me your numbers for: Kamiccolo Future Trunks SSJ ( cell games ) Vegeta SSJ ( cell games ) Cell Jr
  14. ahill1

    Piccolo(buu saga) vs East Kaioshin

    If Piccolo had fought East Kaioushin he would win? Argue your opinions.
  15. ahill1

    I'm Ahill1

    I'm a new member; olá a todos!!!

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