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  1. Warmmedown

    Is bird cage the new gero's gate?

  2. Warmmedown

    Zoro didn't even struggle with Pica

    Think about that.
  3. Warmmedown

    Oda says Supernovas weren't planned
  4. Warmmedown

    Do you think Kidd is stronger than Law? Equal with Luffy?

    Right now, coming up to Wano. We will probably see there. I think Kidd will be stronger than Law. I think he could solo Doffy. Do you think the lower powered supernovas are going to take over in the New World, after what we saw of Uroge?
  5. Warmmedown

    Wolffange watches Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei, Sakamoto Desu Ka, Neon Genesis, Eureka Seven and Fate/Zero

    will this be updated? Stay tuned for updates :wtf lol gutts gets fucked up
  6. Warmmedown

    Pui Pui vs 3rd Form Freeza

    They've both been invited on hiking dates with Tsunade and Erza's mom and the last of these beanies is on sale before the winter: Who wins the fight for it?
  7. Warmmedown

    Genos and Tornado (Tatsumaki) vs Mob

    Genos and Tornado from One Punch Man, vs Mob from Psycho 100. Thirty seconds into the fight, Mob is at 100%, because Tornado just fucked up Reigan and Mob's brother. Takes place in a prison.
  8. Warmmedown

    Any info on Gurren Lagan, Kill La Kill, Fate/Zero, Death Parade

    I might watch one of these idk tho. They're all pretty hyped, but are they any good? Better than Bleach?
  9. Warmmedown

    Why doesn't anyone use a seastone sword?

    So why tho bro show me the dough
  10. Warmmedown

    Why the fuck didn't Smoker just fly out of Crocodile's cage brah?

    In Arabasta, why didn't smoker just turn into smoke and fly through the cage's bars? Yes, it's seastone, but surely if he had enough control he could make the stream thin enough to fit through without touching the seastone. Or could he not turn into smoke at all while in the cage?
  11. Warmmedown

    Why does Luffy get flaccid around seastone in sea water?

    Ace, Robin and possibly even Luffy at Loguetown didn't get all languid from seastone handcuffs, yet Luffy usually does, such as in Arabasta in that cage with Smoker. Wtf?
  12. Warmmedown

    Why don't the World Government put every prisoner in seastone handcuffs?

    Seastone is supposedly the strongest substance, maybe even overall stronger than diamond. In that case, why do the WG even use non-seastone handcuffs, which leave open the possibility of escape by breaking or cutting (e.g. Tom and Franky from Water 7)? You think that the handcuffs are that...
  13. Warmmedown

    Is Luffy still rubber when wearing keiroseki/sea stone handcuffs? And Chopper?

    Is he? He gets hurt when hit by Smoker's seastone weapon, so I would think no, but on the other hand in the Arlong Arc his neck was still able to stretch when in the sea. And following on from that, if Chopper was put in seastone handcuffs, would he become a normal blue-nosed reindeer? And...
  14. Warmmedown

    Mob Psycho 100

    Anybody watched this? It's written by One, who wrote One Punch Man.
  15. Warmmedown

    I added up the time I've spent watching anime

    Jk Was going to, but MAL tells me it's around 46 days. That's about 1104 hours. Likely it's above that, due to rewatching on YT/kissanime and watching a few eps of series here and there that I didn't record on MAL. I'm guessing that about 200 of those hours had very little benefit to me. I...
  16. Warmmedown

    How the fuc did franky dk it

    How be build self he not xhopper or hiluluk he no dkctorine How he accomplish great feat of medical engineering and why he not give brook cyborg eyeball for xtra scare me babe ruth :dawae
  17. Warmmedown

    Franky post skip vs Rob Lucci Enies Lobby arc

    Type puppets
  18. Warmmedown

    22nd Budokai Yamcha vs Tao

  19. Warmmedown

    Lida vs Bakugo

  20. Warmmedown

    Sword Art Online's fall from grace

    When did it become mainstream accepted that SAO was at best kinda bad? I remember dem days when it had like 8.1 on MAL. Now it's 7.65. The future generations will never guess the craze that was. RIP hype train

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