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  1. Warmmedown


    Any Clannad fans here? Come out with your hands up up in apology
  2. Warmmedown

    Why didn't Luffy Bellamy Dressrosa

    Why didn't Luffy use conqueror's haki on Bellamy when Bellamy was being controlled by Dooflamingo?
  3. Warmmedown

    Luffy vs Fantastic Four

    Would Luffy solo all of the Fantastic Four?
  4. Warmmedown

    Which game has the most hardcore protagonist?

    Which game's protagonist had the most guts and went on the most hardcore journey. If you say Pokemon Trading Card Game you can go swallow a pack of shiny Digimon cards. Not thought about or researched it much but I'm thimking Gen 3's games, simply because of "too much water" and Hoho's or...
  5. Warmmedown

    Bleach and SAO sections

    Can we get Bleach and SAO sections? Or at least Bleach. Please :ahshit Think it will help the forum's activity substantially. Go on Youtube and SAO and Bleach vids get a lot of views, likes and shares. The lengthy debates will help us rise up through google and be espades of fun.
  6. Warmmedown

    Trunks'/Cell's dimensions and DB Super universes

    How do you think these relate to each other? Were Trunks and Cell from different universes? Or do universes have dimensions within them?
  7. Warmmedown

    Boku dake ga Inai Machi

    This is hyped as being a top anime and seems to be all the rage online for Winter 2016, SAO/AoT style (bet everyone here'll wanna watch it now!). Anybody seen it yet? Or read the manga?
  8. Warmmedown

    Chopper's monster form multiplier

    Where would you put it?
  9. Warmmedown

    Chopper with all forms vs Franky, Dressrosa

    Who would win? Takes place away from any seawater in Nami's village.
  10. Warmmedown

    Kai's Metal Greymon vs Ash's Dragonite and Charizard?

    How does this go down? Gauntlet and healed in between. No steel type weakness.
  11. Warmmedown

    Favourite non-main series game and why?

    Out of games that aren't red, green, blue, yellow, silver, gold, crystal, ruby, sapphire, emerald, pearl, diamond, black, white, X and Y which is your favourite? What made it good? And how did/does it it compare to the main series games?
  12. Warmmedown


    What do peeps think of having a wiki, mostly for the lols but can also document stuff. DBZF had one until sometime within the last 2 years the link was removed and it was possibly closed down, because ya know....over there the rule is if the inactive staff have had enough shut it down because...
  13. Warmmedown

    (Spoilers for chap 812 onwards) Which SH had the worst backstory telling and you wanna see more?

    Which SH would you like to see more backstory for and you feel Oda hasn't done justice to yet, if any? Zoro got crappy treatment. Dunno if he'll get a bit more like Luffy did eventually. I'd wanna see his relationships from the dojo post-that girl and what happened to him before he found that...
  14. Warmmedown

    What happened to world peace?/Uub

    Was wonderi where Uub is and if Toritana just forgot about him but then remembered Super takes place before EoZ during the apparently quiet period....during which the Earth was destroyed. Wtf. And what's this all mean for Uub's battle powa? Was base Goku going all out against him? Is Uub>Base...
  15. Warmmedown

    Is Dragon moving yet?

    Current manga is just after Sabaody the 2nd (cant trnemver the name of the arc but the Rebecca/Statue/DoNflamingo as I thought he was etc (fak im fallinf asleep typing this) one. Is he hinsekf beinh shown to do stuff? And any news of his interactions with top pirates (eg- Shanks, Blackbeard or...
  16. Warmmedown

    Image uploads

    What's the fastest way to post a picture that I take? Some forums have an inbuilt image library system in the User Control Panel. Does this forum have that by any chance?
  17. Warmmedown

    Which Pokemon gen had the best characters?

    Gen 5 is the clear winner to me, thanks to N - although I've never played gen 6 onwards. Finally a villain who could easily have been a hero in another story and basically raised the questions a lot of people thought of when it came to Pokemon and forcing them into balls etc.
  18. Warmmedown

    Why doesn't Ash offer to teach Jessie and James?

    An attempt at a non-battle and non-favoritism topic. Ash could take them as apprentices. They have great potential. edit: don't lie - I know u found the topic title on the index page intriguing
  19. Warmmedown

    Wolf reads Solanin

    Is close to becoming a truthful statement
  20. Warmmedown

    22nd Tenkaichi Budokai Krillin vs Roshi?

    Who would win? And would Roshi have also been killed by Tambourine-kohai?