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  1. ahill1

    Pirate Robot vs General Metallic

    Who wins ?
  2. ahill1

    Wiper vs Zoro ( Skypiea )

    Who wins ?
  3. ahill1

    Dragon Ball power levels ignoring scouters

    Son Goku arc Puar 1.5 Oolong 2 Bulma 3 Farmer 5 Mr. Satan 7 Videl 8 Spopovich 10 Yamu 10 Gorilla 10 Tiger 11 Lion 12 Bear 14 Sabre-tooth Tiger 16 Pterdactyl 21 Bear Bandit 25 Kuririn 30 Yamcha 45 ~ Rogafufuken 52.5 Son Goku 50 ~ Hungry 44 ~ W/ o Tail 40 GyuMao 95 Muten Roshi...
  4. ahill1

    Roku Ou Gun ( Rob Lucci ) vs. Reject Dial - which is the str

    What do you guys think ?
  5. ahill1

    Future #18 Vs. Future #17

    We know that Present #17 > Present #18... but this goes for the Future Androids as well ? Or they could be equal ?
  6. ahill1

    Show me your numbers for :

    Piccolo ( Androids Saga ) Trunks SSJ ( Androids Saga ) Goku SSJ ( Androids Saga ) Vegeta SSJ ( Androids Saga ) Future #18 Future #17 Imperfect Cell ( Ginger Town ) Present #18 Present #17 Kamiccolo ---------------------------- My numbers : Piccolo 750 Trunks SSJ 880 Goku SSJ 950 Vegeta SSJ...
  7. ahill1

    ahill's Dragon Ball Battle Powers

    <big>Raditz arc</big> Roshi 139 Chaozu 145 Yamcha 177 Kuririn 206 Tenshinhan 250 Mr. Popo 275 Kami-sama 310 Piccolo ( Weighted ) 322 ~ W/ o Weights 408 ~ Makankôsappô 1,330 Son Goku ( Weighted ) 334 ~ W/ o Weights 416 ~ Kamehameha 924 Son Gohan 1 ~ Spaceship Level 710 ~ Enranged...
  8. ahill1

    Killua ( Greed Island ) Vs Rob Lucci

    Who wins ?
  9. ahill1

    Show me you battle powers to:

    Show me your power levels to : Freeza ( 3rd Form ) Vegeta ( Post Dende Zenkai ) Goku base ( Vs Freeza ) Piccolo ( Mecha Arc ) Vegeta ( Mecha Arc ) Trunks base ( Mecha Arc ) Goku base ( Mecha Arc ) Please.
  10. ahill1

    Vegeta ( Mecha arc ) Vs Goku base ( Vs freeza )

    No kaioken... Who wins?
  11. ahill1

    Neferpitou Vs Hisoka

    Who wins ?
  12. ahill1

    Chi Chi ( 23rd Budokai ) Vs Piccolo Daimao Old

    Who wins ?
  13. ahill1

    Gap between Vegeta SSJ ( Androids Saga ) and Imperfect Cell

    What do you guys think ?
  14. ahill1

    Gap between Vegeta SSJ ( Androids Saga ) and Future Trunks S

    What do you guys think ?
  15. ahill1

    Meruem Vs Hisoka

    Who wins?
  16. ahill1

    What was the most difficult battle to Luffy?

    1) Luffy VS Crocodile 2) Luffy Vs Enel 3) Luffy Vs Rob Lucci 4) Luffy Vs Doflamingo
  17. ahill1

    Aokiji ( pre timeskip ) Vs Mihawk ( pre timeskip )

    Who wins ?
  18. ahill1

    Giran Vs Gyumao

    This is Giran in the 21st Budokai. Who wins?
  19. ahill1

    Norland and Calgara vs Enel

    Who wins?

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Nixon was really a mixed bag of a human being and a President. I do admire him for his intellect and breadth of foreign policy knowledge.
Ho Chi Minh was based