I give credit to Kyouks for a lot of this thread, because I saw one of his lists and used it as a guide kind-of to help me make this list. That helped me A LOT, so yeah credit to Kyouks for a lot of this.
Other than that, there is also some-things that might be hard to do with power-level lists...
Chapa-o at the 23rd Tenkaichi-Budokai?
Do you think he can really come to conclusion that he has become higher than the Goku that defeated him easily before?
He can't sense Ki & he doesn't seem like he's a super-warrior (like the Z-Team, at-least).
:nice :nice :nice
People always talk about how DragonBall should have ended at the Freeza Saga or Cell Saga, but honestly the 23rd Tenkaichi-Budokai might have been even better time to end it, in my opinion. Goku having been send to earth as a baby, and the legendary Super-Saiyan (in the sense that at no-point...